Data model Organizations
Version: 1.0.0
Previous version: 0.0.1
Created: 2022-03-14
Last modified: 2025-02-13
SHACL file: organizations.shacl.ttl
Data model to describe organizations.
Classes & Properties
Classes: Concept
Contact point (schema:ContactPoint)
Subclasses: Postal address
A contact point, for example a Customer Complaints department.
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
contact type (schema:contactType) | The type of contact point. | 1..1 | xsd:string |
email (schema:email) | The email address. | 0..* | xsd:string |
telephone (schema:telephone) | The telephone number of the contact point. | 0..* | xsd:string |
Content partner (haOrg:ContentPartner)
Subclass of: Organization
A content partner is an organization that has signed a collaboration agreement with meemoo for the long-term preservation and dissemination of their content.
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
has account manager (haOrg:hasAccountManager) | The account manager of the content partner. | 1..1 | Person |
has identifier (org:identifier) | Indicates the unique identifier of the content partner. | 1..1 | xsd:string |
has preference (haOrg:hasPreference) | Expresses a preference of an organization with respect to their collaboration with meemoo, such as whether or not to perform or allow a certain service. | 0..* | Concept |
request form (haOrg:requestForm) | A link to a form with which a user can request content from the content partner. | 0..* | xsd:string |
Properties from Organization: alternative label, classification, contact point, description, has Unit, has account manager, has identifier, has post, has primary site, has site, homepage, logo, main logo, preferred label, sector, tenant name
Country (schema:Country)
A country.
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
name (schema:name) | The name of the country. | 1..1 | xsd:string |
Digitization partner (haOrg:DigitizationPartner)
Subclass of: Service provider
An organization that provides digitisation services to meemoo.
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
has identifier (org:identifier) | Indicates the unique identifier of the digitization partner. | 1..1 | xsd:string |
Properties from Service provider: has identifier
Educational partner (haOrg:EducationalPartner)
Subclass of: Organization
An educational partner is an organization that provides content on the ‘Archief voor Onderwijs’ platform and has signed the ‘educational partner’ collaboration agreement with meemoo (e.g. an educational publisher, KlasCement, Mediawijs, etc.).
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
has account manager (haOrg:hasAccountManager) | The account manager of the educational partner. | 1..1 | Person |
has identifier (org:identifier) | Indicates the unique identifier of the educational partner. | 1..1 | xsd:string |
Properties from Organization: alternative label, classification, contact point, description, has Unit, has account manager, has identifier, has post, has primary site, has site, homepage, logo, main logo, preferred label, sector, tenant name
Logo (haOrg:Logo)
A logo is a graphic mark, emblem, or symbol of an organization.
Organization (org:Organization)
Subclasses: Content partner , Educational partner , OrganizationalUnit , Project partner , Service consumer , Service provider
Represents a collection of people organized together into a community or other social, commercial or political structure. The group has some common purpose or reason for existence which goes beyond the set of people belonging to it and can act as an Agent. Organizations are often decomposable into hierarchical structures. It is recommended that SKOS lexical labels should be used to label the Organization. In particular skos:prefLabel
for the primary (possibly legally recognized name), skos:altLabel
for alternative names (trading names, colloquial names) and skos:notation
to denote a code from a code list. Alternative names: Collective Body Org Group
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
alternative label (skos:altLabel) | The alternative label of the organization. | 0..* 1 | rdf:langString |
classification (org:classification) | The type to which the organization belongs. | 0..* | Organization type |
contact point (schema:contactPoint) | An organization can have a point of contact. | 0..* | Contact point |
description (dct:description) | Description of the organization. | 0..* 1 | rdf:langString |
has Unit (org:hasUnit) | A separate unit or department of the organization. | 0..* | OrganizationalUnit |
has account manager (haOrg:hasAccountManager) | The person within an organization that is responsible for contact with another organization, e.g., a customer. | 0..1 | Person |
has identifier (org:identifier) | Indicates the unique identifier of the organisation. | 1..1 | xsd:string |
has post (org:hasPost) | Indicates a Post which exists within the organization. | 0..* | Post |
has primary site (org:hasPrimarySite) | The primary location of the organization. | 0..1 | Site |
has site (org:hasSite) | A physical or virtual location of the organization. | 0..* | Site |
homepage (foaf:homepage) | The website of the organization. | 0..1 | IRI |
logo (haOrg:hasLogo) | A logo associated with the organization. | 0..* | Logo |
main logo (schema:logo) | The main logo of the organization. | 0..1 | Logo |
preferred label (skos:prefLabel) | The preferred name/label of the organization. | 1..* 1 | rdf:langString |
sector (haOrg:sector) | The sector the organisation is active in. | 0..1 | xsd:string |
tenant name (mh:tenantName) | The Mediahaven tenant name of the organization. | 0..* | xsd:string |
Organization type (haOrg:OrganizationType)
Subclass of: Concept
The type or classification of an organization.
OrganizationalUnit (org:OrganizationalUnit)
Subclass of: Organization
An Organization such as a University Support Unit which is part of some larger FormalOrganization and only has full recognition within the context of that FormalOrganization, it is not a Legal Entity in its own right. Units can be large and complex containing other Units and even FormalOrganizations. Alternative names: OU Unit Department
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
unit of (org:unitOf) | The organization of which the organizational unit is part. | 1..* | Organization |
Properties from Organization: alternative label, classification, contact point, description, has Unit, has account manager, has identifier, has post, has primary site, has site, homepage, logo, main logo, preferred label, sector, tenant name
Person (schema:Person)
Subclass of: Thing
A person (alive, dead, undead, or fictional).
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
birth date (schema:birthDate) | Date of birth | 0..1 | edtf:EDTF-level1 |
birth place (schema:birthPlace) | 0..1 | xsd:string | |
death date (schema:deathDate) | Date of death. | 0..1 | edtf:EDTF-level1 |
death place (schema:deathPlace) | 0..1 | xsd:string | |
email (schema:email) | E-mail address of this person. | 0..* | xsd:string |
family name (schema:familyName) | The family name or last name of this person. | 1..1 | xsd:string |
given name (schema:givenName) | The given name or first name of this person. | 1..1 | xsd:string |
holds (org:holds) | The post that a person holds in the organization. | 0..* | Post |
is account manager of (haOrg:isAccountManagerOf) | The organization for which the person is responsible for. | 0..* | Organization |
name (schema:name) | The first and last name of this person (combined into a single string). | 1..* 1 | rdf:langString |
telephone (schema:telephone) | Telephone of this person. | 0..* | xsd:string |
Post (org:Post)
A Post represents some position within an organization that exists independently of the person or persons filling it. Posts may be used to represent situations where a person is a member of an organization ex officio (for example the Secretary of State for Scotland is part of UK Cabinet by virtue of being Secretary of State for Scotland, not as an individual person). A post can be held by multiple people and hence can be treated as a organization in its own right.
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
post in (org:postIn) | Indicates the organization in which the post exists. | 1..* | Organization |
role (org:role) | Indicates the role that the agent plays as a memmber of the organization. | 1..* | Role |
Postal address (schema:PostalAddress)
Subclass of: Contact point
The mailing address.
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
address (schema:streetAddress) | The street address. For example, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway. | 0..1 | xsd:string |
country (schema:addressCountry) | The country in which the postal address is located. | 0..1 | xsd:string or Country |
locality (schema:addressLocality) | The locality in which the street address is, and which is in the region. For example, Mountain View. | 0..1 | xsd:string |
post office box number (schema:postOfficeBoxNumber) | The post office box number for PO box addresses. | 0..1 | xsd:string |
postal code (schema:postalCode) | The postal code. For example, 94043. | 0..1 | xsd:string |
region (schema:addressRegion) | The region in which the locality is, and which is in the country. For example, California or another appropriate first-level Administrative division | 0..1 | xsd:string |
Properties from Contact point: contact type, email, telephone
Project partner (haOrg:ProjectPartner)
Subclass of: Organization
An organization that collaborates with meemoo on projects formalized in an agreement or decision, such as projects within the Flemish cultural heritage decree, projects funded by the European Union, or other innovation and research projects.
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
has identifier (org:identifier) | Indicates the unique identifier of the project partner. | 1..1 | xsd:string |
Properties from Organization: alternative label, classification, contact point, description, has Unit, has account manager, has identifier, has post, has primary site, has site, homepage, logo, main logo, preferred label, sector, tenant name
Role (org:Role)
Subclass of: Concept
Denotes a role that a Person or other Agent can take in an organization. Instances of this class describe the abstract role; to denote a specific instance of a person playing that role in a specific organization use an instance of org:Membership
. It is common for roles to be arranged in some taxonomic structure and we use SKOS to represent that. The normal SKOS lexical properties should be used when labelling the Role. Additional descriptive properties for the Role, such as a Salary band, may be added by extension vocabularies.
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
preferred label (skos:prefLabel) | The preferred name/label of the role. | 1..* 1 | rdf:langString |
Service consumer (haOrg:ServiceConsumer)
Subclass of: Organization
An organization that consumes services from meemoo, with a contractual relationship with meemoo. This is not a content partner, but a private organization that stores digital content at meemoo (e.g. Plantentuin Meise).
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
has identifier (org:identifier) | Indicates the unique identifier of the service consumer. | 1..1 | xsd:string |
Properties from Organization: alternative label, classification, contact point, description, has Unit, has account manager, has identifier, has post, has primary site, has site, homepage, logo, main logo, preferred label, sector, tenant name
Service provider (haOrg:ServiceProvider)
Subclass of: Organization
Subclasses: Digitization partner
An organization that provides services or goods to meemoo, for example related to IT, digitization, etc.
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
has identifier (org:identifier) | Indicates the unique identifier of the service provider. | 1..1 | xsd:string |
Properties from Organization: alternative label, classification, contact point, description, has Unit, has account manager, has identifier, has post, has primary site, has site, homepage, logo, main logo, preferred label, sector, tenant name
Site (org:Site)
An office or other premise at which the organization is located. Many organizations are spread across multiple sites and many sites will host multiple locations. In most cases a Site will be a physical location. However, we don’t exclude the possibility of non-physical sites such as a virtual office with an associated post box and phone reception service. Extensions may provide subclasses to denote particular types of site.
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
site Address (org:siteAddress) | The address of the location. | 0..1 | Postal address |
site of (org:siteOf) | The organization of which this location is part. | 1..* | Organization |