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Release Candidate

Representation level

Table of contents

  1. /representation_* (directory)
  2. mets.xml (file)
    1. Elements and internal references
    2. <mets> section
    3. <metsHdr> section
    4. <dmdSec> section
    5. <amdSec>\ section
    6. <fileSec>\ section
    7. <structMap> section
  3. /data (directory)
  4. /metadata (directory)
    1. /descriptive (directory)
    2. /preservation (directory)

The representation level consists of at least one /representation_* directory (where * is a positive integer increasing by 1 for each additional representation). Each /representation_* directory contains information about the representation of (one of) the IE(s) of the package level, together with the media files making up the representation.


│   ...
   │   ...
      │  │── mets.xml
      │  │
      │  └──data
      │  │  │   ...
      │  │
      │  └──metadata
      │     │
      │     └──descriptive
      │     │  │   ...
      │     │
      │     └──preservation
      │        │   ...
         │   ...

/representation_* (directory)

A /representation_* directory consists of at least a mets.xml file, a /data directory and a /metadata directory. It contains both descriptive and preservation metadata, as well as the actual media files making up a certain representation of the IE(s) of the SIP.

Each /representation_* directory contains its own mets.xml file which acts similarly as the package mets.xml and serves as an inventory of the files and directories of the representation level.

A /representation_* directory may contain a /documentation and a /schemas directory. The former may contain additional information aiding the interpretation of the representation, while the latter may contain XML Schema Definition (XSD) files of the metadata schemas used in the representation. These two directories are ignored during ingest and will therefore not be archived.


  • A /representation_* directory MUST contain exactly one mets.xml file.
  • A /representation_* directory MUST contain exactly one /metadata directory.
  • A /representation_* directory MUST contain exactly one /data directory.
  • A /representation_* directory MAY contain exactly one /documentation directory.
  • A /representation_* directory MAY contain exactly one /schemas directory.

mets.xml (file)

The mets.xml file at the representation level (also known as the representation mets) generally follows the same structure and requirements as the package mets discussed in the section package mets.xml.

Elements and internal references

Since the dmdSec, amdSec, fileSec sections follow the same requirements, where possible, as the package mets.xml file, only lists (additional) requirements regarding the mets, metsHdr and structMap sections are covered in a dedicated subsection in the remainder of this section.

Some of these elements, or their child elements, are identified with an identifier, contained in the @ID attribute (see the requirements in the sections below). These identifiers must be unique within the SIP.

The <structMap> serves as the entrypoint for locating the metadata, data or manifest files during parsing of the SIP. Therefore, it contains pointers to the @ID identifiers defined in the <fileSec>, <dmdSec>, and <amdSec> sections. An overview of the different elements and references on the representation level is given in the following figure.

Internal references between elements in the mets.xml
Internal references between elements in the representation mets.xml.

In addition, the <fileGrp> and <file> elements can also reference contents of the <amdSec> and <dmdSec>, however this is optional. A summary of all possible references and their obligation is given in the table below.

<mets> section


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<mets xmlns=""
      TYPE="Photographs – Digital"
      PROFILE="" xsi:schemaLocation=" ">




Element mets
Name METS root element
Description This is the root element of the representation METS.
It MUST contain the following XML schema namespaces:
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/@OBJID
Name Representation identifier
Description This is an ID for the METS document. For the representation METS, this MUST be the same name as the one used for the corresponding representation directory.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/@TYPE
Name Content category
Description This attribute MUST be set to declare the category of the content held in the representation directory.
Datatype String; fixed vocabulary
Vocabulary Textual works – Print
Textual works – Digital
Textual works – Electronic Serials
Digital Musical Composition (score-based representations)
Musical Scores - Print
Musical Scores - Digital
Photographs – Print
Photographs – Digital
Other Graphic Images – Print
Other Graphic Images – Digital
Audio – On Tangible Medium (digital or analog)
Audio – Media-independent (digital)
Motion Pictures – Digital and Physical Media
Video – File-based and Physical Media
Software and Video Games
Geospatial Data
Geographic Information System (GIS) - Vector Data
GIS Raster and Georeferenced Images
GIS Vector and Raster Combined
Non-GIS Cartographic
2D and 3D Computer Aided Design
Design (schematics, architectural drawings) - Print
Scanned 3D Objects (output from photogrammetry scanning)
Web Archives
Interactive resource
Moving image
Still image
Physical object
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets[@TYPE="OTHER"]/@csip:OTHERTYPE
Name Other content category
Description When the mets/@TYPE attribute is set to OTHER, the mets/@csip:OTHERTYPE attribute SHOULD be used to declare the content category of the representation not contained in the fixed vocabulary of the @TYPE attribute.
Datatype String
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation SHOULD
Attribute mets/@PROFILE
Name METS profile
Description The URL of the E-ARK METS profile that the SIP conforms with.
This URL MUST be set to to indicate conformance with the E-ARK specification.
Datatype URL
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/@LABEL
Name Package name
Description An optional short text describing the contents of the representation.
Datatype String
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation MAY

<metsHdr> section


<metsHdr CREATEDATE="2022-02-16T10:02:37.009+02:00"/>


Element mets/metsHdr
Name Representation header
Description General element that contains descriptive information about the representation.
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/metsHdr/@CREATEDATE
Name Representation creation datetime
Description This attribute records the date and time the representation was created.
Datatype XML Schema datetime
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/metsHdr/@LASTMODDATE
Name Representation last modification datetime
Description In case the representation was modified since its creation, this attribute records the date and time of that modification.
This attribute MUST be present and used when the representation has been modified since its creation datetime.
Datatype XML Schema datetime
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation SHOULD
Attribute mets/metsHdr/@RECORDSTATUS
Name Representation status
Description A way of indicating the status of the representation and to instruct meemoo on how to properly handle it.
If not set, the expected value is NEW.
Meemoo investigates the use of the @RECORDSTATUS attribute for future use cases such as e.g. a metadata update (i.e. ingest of metadata only with the goal of updating, adding or deleting existing metadata in meemoo’s archive system).
Datatype String; fixed vocabulary
Vocabulary NEW
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation MAY
Element mets/metsHdr/agent
Name Agent
Cardinality 0..*
Obligation MAY
Attribute mets/metsHdr/agent/@ROLE
Name Agent role
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/metsHdr/agent/@TYPE
Name Agent type
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/metsHdr/agent/@OTHERTYPE
Name Agent other type
Description This attribute MUST be used if the attribute agent/@TYPE is set to OTHER. It is used to specify the exact other type that is being used.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element mets/metsHdr/agent/name
Name Agent name
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element mets/metsHdr/agent/note
Name Agent additional information
Datatype String
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation MAY

<dmdSec> section

dmdSec section follows the same requirements, where possible, as the package mets.xml file.

See dmdSec Section.

<amdSec>\ section

amdSec section follows the same requirements, where possible, as the package mets.xml file.

See amdSec Section.

<fileSec>\ section

fileSec section follows the same requirements, where possible, as the package mets.xml file.

See fileSec Section.

<structMap> section

The structMap element outlines the hierarchical structure of the representation level of the SIP. Its requirements are very similar to the package level, however, instead of pointing to the contained representations, a Representations division points to the contained files.


<structMap ID="uuid-f81f8688-b278-4397-b59c-82593b11a2b9" TYPE="PHYSICAL" LABEL="CSIP">
    <div ID="uuid-a5e05d29-49d9-4466-b070-19b8990b5029" LABEL="representation_1">
        <div ID="uuid-af54ed63-8361-4d90-a30f-99d02de24857" LABEL="Metadata" 
            ADMID="uuid-f7972ff5-599e-4f60-8b7e-8bbf4e035482" />
        <div ID="uuid-c137b167-7254-4085-b965-75980976638d" LABEL="Representations">
            <fptr FILEID="uuid-d020d7d1-f258-40af-8788-04cf62a0032b" />
Attribute mets/structMap[@LABEL='CSIP']/div/div[@LABEL='Representations']
Name Content division
Description The data referenced in the file section file groups are described in the structural map within a single sub-division called Representations.
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/structMap[@LABEL='CSIP']/div/div[@LABEL='Representations']/@ID
Name Content division identifier
Description A unique identifier to the Representations file group. This can be used for internal package references.
Datatype ID
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/structMap[@LABEL='CSIP']/div/div[@LABEL='Representations']
Name Content division label
Description The representations div element’s @LABEL attribute value MUST be Representations.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element mets/structMap[@LABEL='CSIP']/div/div[@LABEL='Representations']/fptr
Name Content division file references
Description All file groups containing content described in the package are referenced via the relevant file group identifiers.
There MUST be one file group reference per fptr element.
Cardinality 1..*
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/structMap[@LABEL='CSIP']/div/div[@LABEL='Representations']/fptr/@FILEID
Name Content division file group references
Description The pointer to the identifier for the Representations file group.
MUST point to any mets/fileSec/fileGrp/@ID or mets/fileSec/fileGrp/file/@ID.
Datatype ID
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST

/data (directory)

The /data directory contains the media files of a specific representation of the SIP. Depending on the use-case and the CP, these files can be digital pictures, video, audio…


  • The /data directory MUST NOT contain any subdirectories.
  • All files in the /data directory MUST be referenced in the corresponding representation mets.xml file.

/metadata (directory)

The /metadata directory contains both descriptive and preservation metadata about the representation and the media files at the representation level.


  • The /metadata directory MUST contain the subdirectory /preservation and it MAY contain the /descriptive subdirectory.

/descriptive (directory)

The /descriptive directory contains descriptive metadata about the representation. This descriptive metadata is stored in XML files, describing the specific representation of the SIP.

Descriptive metadata at the represenation level follows the same requirements regarding metadata elements discussed in the /descriptive section of the package level. Hence, the concrete requirements of descriptive metadata files and the applied metadata schemas are defined by the content profiles.

/preservation (directory)

The /preservation directory contains preservation metadata about the representation and the media files.


  • The /preservation directory MUST contain exactly one file: premis.xml.

The premis.xml file of the representation level contains preservation metadata about the representation and the media files of the representation level. It relies on the PREMIS standard in order to provide basic preservation information such as checksums. More detailed preservation information can be described using PREMIS events and PREMIS agents.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<premis:premis version="3.0" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:premis="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

  <premis:object xsi:type="premis:representation">


    <!-- relationship between representation and its files -->
      <premis:relationshipType authority="relationshipType" authorityURI="" valueURI="">structural</premis:relationshipType>
      <premis:relationshipSubType authority="relationshipSubType" authorityURI="" valueURI="">includes</premis:relationshipSubType>

    <!-- relationship between representation and its IE -->
      <premis:relationshipType authority="relationshipType" authorityURI="" valueURI="">structural</premis:relationshipType>
      <premis:relationshipSubType authority="relationshipSubType" authorityURI="" valueURI="">represents</premis:relationshipSubType>

  <premis:object xsi:type="premis:file">


        <premis:messageDigestAlgorithm authority="cryptographicHashFunctions" authorityURI="" valueURI="">
          <premis:formatRegistryRole authority="formatRegistryRole" authorityURI="" valueURI="">specification</premis:formatRegistryRole>


    <!-- relationship between file and its representation -->
      <premis:relationshipType authority="relationshipType" authorityURI="" valueURI="">structural</premis:relationshipType>
      <premis:relationshipSubType authority="relationshipSubType" authorityURI="" valueURI="">is included in</premis:relationshipSubType>


  <premis:object xsi:type="premis:file">


        <premis:messageDigestAlgorithm authority="cryptographicHashFunctions" authorityURI="" valueURI="">
          <premis:formatRegistryRole authority="formatRegistryRole" authorityURI="" valueURI="">specification</premis:formatRegistryRole>


    <!-- relationship between file and its representation -->
      <premis:relationshipType authority="relationshipType" authorityURI="" valueURI="">structural</premis:relationshipType>
      <premis:relationshipSubType authority="relationshipSubType" authorityURI="" valueURI="">is included in</premis:relationshipSubType>



Overview of relevant PREMIS relationships

On the representation level, the preservation metadata is used to express

  • what the representations and files are that are contained in the SIP; and
  • how they relate to eachother or to IEs described on the package level.

The table below gives an overview of the different relationship types that can be used on the representation level:

Direction Relationship type Relationship subtype Reciprocal/inverse relationship Description
From Representation to IE structural represents is represented by A representation represents a specific IE
From Representation to File structural includes is included in A representation includes one or more file objects
From File to Representation structural is included in includes A file is included in a representation


Element premis:premis
Name PREMIS root element
Description This is the root element of the PREMIS file.

It MUST contain the following XML schema namespaces:
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute premis:premis/@version
Name PREMIS version attribute
Description This attribute signals which PREMIS version is being used.
The attribute’s value MUST be set to 3.0.
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute premis:premis/@xsi:schemaLocation
Name Schema location declaration
Description This attribute signals where to find the relevant XSD schema in order to validate the PREMIS file.

When used, its value MUST be set to "" to signal conformance with PREMIS 3.0.
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation SHOULD
Element premis:premis/premis:object
Name PREMIS object
Description A premis:object element MUST be defined for each representation and file of the representation level in the SIP.
Cardinality 1..*
Obligation MUST
Attribute premis:premis/premis:object/@xsi:type
Name Object type
Description This attribute signals whether a PREMIS object is of type intellectual entity, representation or file.

In the case of the premis.xml file of the representation level, this attribute’s value MUST be set to premis:representation in the case of a representation object, and to premis:file in the case of a file object.
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:object/premis:objectIdentifier
Name Object identifier
Description This element contains object identifier information.

There MUST be exactly one object identifier present with premis:objectIdentifierType set to UUID. This is the main identifier for the concerned representation or file, which uniquely identifies the concerned IE and establishes a link between the relevant preservation metadata in the premis.xml file and the descriptive metadata in the dc*.xml file, if any is present. There MAY be zero or more additional object identifiers of a different type.
Cardinality 1..*
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:object/premis:objectIdentifier/premis:objectIdentifierType
Name Object identifier type
Description The type of the PREMIS object identifier being used.

At least one identifier of type UUID MUST be defined in order to provide a unique identifier for each PREMIS object.

This unique identifier is also used to link the concerned PREMIS object with the descriptive metadata in the /metadata/descriptive/dc*.xml file, if any is present.
Datatype String; fixed vocabulary (e.g. PREMIS standard identifiers)
Vocabulary UUID
and all keys from this list.
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:object/premis:objectIdentifier/premis:objectIdentifierValue
Name Object identifier value
Description The actual value that makes up the identifier of the PREMIS object.
Datatype String (depending on the value of the premis:objectIdentifierType)
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:object/premis:relationship
Name PREMIS relationship
Description Information about a relationship between the current object and one or more other objects.

In the case of the premis.xml file of the representation level, this element MUST detail the relationships between the representation and IE on the one hand, and between the representation and file(s) on the other hand.
Cardinality 1..*
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:object/premis:relationship/premis:relationshipType
Name Relationship type
Description A high-level categorization of the nature of the relationship.

In the case of the premis.xml file of the representation level, this element’s value MUST be set to structural.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute premis:premis/premis:object/premis:relationship/premis:relationshipType/@authority
Name Relationship type authority attribute
Description This attribute indicates the name of the authority/controlled vocabulary that is being used for the different relationship types. Its value MUST be set to "relationshipType".
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute premis:premis/premis:object/premis:relationship/premis:relationshipType/@authorityURI
Name Relationship type authority URI
Description This attribute references the URI that contains the authority/controlled vocabulary. Its value MUST be set to "".
Datatype URI
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute premis:premis/premis:object/premis:relationship/premis:relationshipType/@valueURI
Name Relationship type value URI
Description This attribute references the URI that contains the specific entry from the authority/controlled vocabulary.

For the structural relationship type, this attribute’s value MUST be set to "".
Datatype URI
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:object/premis:relationship/premis:relationshipSubType
Name Relationship subtype
Description A detailed categorization of the nature of the relationship.

In the case of the premis.xml file of the representation level, this element’s value MUST be set to represents when expressing the relationship between a representation and the IE it represents.
When expressing the relationship between a representation and a file, this element’s value MUST be set to includes when this relationship is expressed from the side of the representation (i.e. the representation is the subject of the relationship); when this relationship is expressed from the side of the file (i.e. the file is the subject of the relationship), this element’s value MUST be set to is included in.
Datatype String; fixed vocabulary
Vocabulary represents
is included in
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute premis:premis/premis:object/premis:relationship/premis:relationshipSubType/@authority
Name Relationship subtype authority attribute
Description This attribute indicates the name of the authority/controlled vocabulary that is being used for the different relationship subtypes. Its value MUST be set to "relationshipSubType".
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute premis:premis/premis:object/premis:relationship/premis:relationshipSubType/@authorityURI
Name Relationship subtype authority URI
Description This attribute references the URI that contains the authority/controlled vocabulary. Its value MUST be set to "".
Datatype URI
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute premis:premis/premis:object/premis:relationship/premis:relationshipSubType/@valueURI
Name Relationship subtype value URI
Description This attribute references the URI that contains the specific entry from the authority/controlled vocabulary.

If the represents relationship subtype is being used, this attribute’s value MUST be set to "".
If the includes relationship subtype is being used, this attribute’s value MUST be set to "".
If the is included in relationship subtype is being used, this attribute’s value MUST be set to ""
Datatype URI; fixed vocabulary
Vocabulary ""
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:object/premis:relationship/premis:relatedObjectIdentifier
Name Related object identifier
Description This element references the object of the relationship that is expressed.
Cardinality 1..*
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:object/premis:relationship/premis:relatedObjectIdentifier/premis:relatedObjectIdentifierType
Name Related object identifier type
Description The type of the PREMIS related object identifier being used.
Datatype String; fixed vocabulary (e.g. PREMIS standard identifiers)
Vocabulary ID
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:object/premis:relationship/premis:relatedObjectIdentifier/premis:relatedObjectIdentifierValue
Name Related object identifier value
Description The actual value that makes up the identifier of the PREMIS related object.
Datatype String (depending on the value of the premis:relatedObjectIdentifierType)
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:object[@xsi:type="premis:file"]/premis:objectCharacteristics
Name Object characteristics
Description If the PREMIS object is of type file, this element MUST be used to further specify the various characteristics of the file object such as fixity, size and format information.
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:object[@xsi:type="premis:file"]/premis:objectCharacteristics/premis:fixity
Name Fixity
Description This element contains the fixity information of the PREMIS file object. It encapsulates the message digest algorithm that is being used and its value.
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:object[@xsi:type="premis:file"]/premis:objectCharacteristics/premis:fixity/premis:messageDigestAlgorithm
Name Message digest algorithm
Description This element details which algorithm is used to construct the message digest for the digital file object present.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute premis:premis/premis:object[@xsi:type="premis:file"]/premis:objectCharacteristics/premis:fixity/premis:messageDigestAlgorithm/@authority
Name Message digest algorithm authority attribute
Description This attribute indicates the name of the authority/controlled vocabulary that is being used for the different message digest algorithms. Its value MUST be set to "cryptographicHashFunctions".
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute premis:premis/premis:object[@xsi:type="premis:file"]/premis:objectCharacteristics/premis:fixity/premis:messageDigestAlgorithm/@authorityURI
Name Message digest algorithm authority URI
Description This attribute references the URI that contains the authority/controlled vocabulary. Its value MUST be set to "".
Datatype URI
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute premis:premis/premis:object[@xsi:type="premis:file"]/premis:objectCharacteristics/premis:fixity/premis:messageDigestAlgorithm/@valueURI
Name Message digest algorithm value URI
Description This attribute references the URI that contains the specific entry from the authority/controlled vocabulary.
Datatype URI
Vocabulary Adler-32
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:object[@xsi:type="premis:file"]/premis:objectCharacteristics/premis:fixity/premis:messageDigest
Name Message digest
Description This element contains the actual value calculated message digest algorithm specified in the premis:messageDigestAlgorithm element.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:object[@xsi:type="premis:file"]/premis:objectCharacteristics/premis:size
Name File size
Description The size of the file object. This MUST be expressed in bytes.
Datatype Integer
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:object[@xsi:type="premis:file"]/premis:objectCharacteristics/premis:format
Name File format identification
Description This element contains information about the format of the file object.
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation SHOULD
Element premis:premis/premis:object[@xsi:type="premis:file"]/premis:objectCharacteristics/premis:format/premis:formatDesignation
Name File format designation
Description This element contains an identification of the format of the file object.
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation SHOULD
Element premis:premis/premis:object[@xsi:type="premis:file"]/premis:objectCharacteristics/premis:format/premis:formatDesignation/premis:formatName
Name File format name
Description A commonly accepted name for the file format.
Datatype String; fixed vocabulary (from a format or technical registry, e.g. PRONOM)
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:object[@xsi:type="premis:file"]/premis:objectCharacteristics/premis:format/premis:formatDesignation/premis:formatVersion
Name File format version
Description The version of the format named in premis:formatName.
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation MAY
Element premis:premis/premis:object[@xsi:type="premis:file"]/premis:objectCharacteristics/premis:format/premis:formatRegistry
Name Format registry
Description This element identifies and/or gives further information about the file format by referencing an entry in a format registry (e.g. PRONOM).
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation SHOULD
Element premis:premis/premis:object[@xsi:type="premis:file"]/premis:objectCharacteristics/premis:format/premis:formatRegistry/premis:formatRegistryName
Name Format registry name
Description Name of the referenced format registry
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:object[@xsi:type="premis:file"]/premis:objectCharacteristics/premis:format/premis:formatRegistry/premis:formatRegistryKey
Name Format registry key
Description Unique key that is used by the format registry for the concerned file format.
Datatype ID
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:object[@xsi:type="premis:file"]/premis:objectCharacteristics/premis:format/premis:formatRegistry/premis:formatRegistryRole
Name Format registry role
Description The purpose or expected use of the format registry. This MUST be set to specification.
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:object[@xsi:type="premis:file"]/premis:objectCharacteristics/premis:format/premis:formatRegistry/premis:formatRegistryRole/@authority
Name Format registry role authority
Description This attribute indicates the name of the authority/controlled vocabulary that is being used. Its value MUST be set to "".
Datatype URI
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:object[@xsi:type="premis:file"]/premis:objectCharacteristics/premis:format/premis:formatRegistry/premis:formatRegistryRole/@valueURI
Name Format registry role value URI
Description This attribute references the URI that contains the specific entry from the authority/controlled vocabulary.

This attribute’s value MUST be set to "".
Datatype URI
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:object[@xsi:type="premis:file"]/premis:originalName
Name Original filename
Description This element contains the original name of the file object, including its extension.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST

Continue to Profiles.