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Administrative metadata
Metadata about the origin of content, e.g. which Content Partner delivered the SIP to meemoo.
The topmost layer of the meemoo SIP. It serves as a wrapper around the SIP for transport and follows the BagIt standard.
Digital content such as media files and metadata files.
Content Partner (CP)
Organisations that have a collaboration agreement with meemoo for storing their digital or digitized content.
Content Profile
A Content Profile is an extension of meemoo's SIP specification for the ingest of specific types of media files, e.g. newspapers, 3D objects, collection items with extensive metadata... A Content Profile boils down to additional requirements on top of the current specification.
Descriptive metadata
Metadata about the content represented in a digital reproduction. Its main goal is discovery and identification, e.g. the title of a picture or painting.
An alternative term for a media file (without additional metadata), such as a digital picture, a digital audio file...
Intellectual Entity (IE)
A distinct intellectual or artistic creation that is considered to be relevant to a designated community in the context of digital preservation.
This term refers to the ISO OAIS Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System. This model is defined by recommendation CCSDS 650.0-B-2 of the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems.
The middle layer of the meemoo SIP. It consists of a number of directories and metadata files, containing the lowest (i.e. representation) layer of the meemoo SIP.
Package METS
The metadata file conforming to the METS standard situated at the package level of the SIP (i.e. at /data/mets.xml)
Preservation metadata
Metadata about the context and structure of a digital object. It is an essential part of current digital preservation strategies and data management. Examples include file size, the checksum of a file and how/when the file was created.
A set of files (including metadata) needed for a complete rendition of an IE. Note that an IE can be represented by multiple representations (e.g. a high quality representation and a low quality representation).
Representation METS
The metadata file conforming to the METS standard situated at one of the different representation directories of the representation level of the SIP (e.g. at /data/representation/representation_1/mets.xml)
An alternative term for a file exclusively containing metadata.
Structural metadata
Metadata about the structural relation between digital objects, e.g. how digital files relate to one another. This is especially relevant for e.g. newspaper, where each page has a relation with the previous/following page.
Submission Information Package (SIP)
The information package (containing media and metadata files) sent by the Content Partner to meemoo for ingest.
The Unicode Standard is a standard for the consistent encoding, representation and handling of text. It can be implemented by different character encodings, with UTF-8 being the dominant encoding for the World Wide Web and internet technologies in general.
The Extensible Markup Language (i.e. XML) is a markup language and file format for storing, transmitting and reconstructing arbitrary data. At meemoo it is used to store administrative, descriptive, preservation and structural metadata about media files in meemoo's digital archive.
XML Schema Definition is a way to formally describe the elements in a XML document. It can be used for validation against existing metadata schemas and standards.


In the context of noting metadata values, the following datatypes are mentioned throughout this specification:

Datatype Definition
Integer An arbitrary-size non negative integer number as defined in XML Schema Part 2:Datatypes Second Edition.
String A sequence of zero or more Unicode (UTF-8) characters, usually wrapped in double quotes, using backslash escapes (if necessary). A character is represented as a single character string.
XML Schema datetime Date and time notation according to the XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition standard. Compatible with ISO 8601:2004.
XML Schema duration Duration of time notation according to the XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition standard. Compatible with ISO 8601:2004.
BCP47 language tag Language tag according to the BCP47 standard.
EDTF Date and time, following the Extended Date Time Format up to level 1 plus the value XXXX to indicate an unknown date. All XML Schema datetimes dates are also valid EDTF dates.
IANA mime type Media types defined by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority.
MD5 String result from applying the MD5 message-digest algorithm to a digital file object.
ID A string identifier consisting of alphanumerical characters (i.e. letters, digits, underscores, hyphens and periods), defined as the NCName datatype in the XSD Datatypes specification.

Every ID MUST start with a letter or an underscore and it MUST be unique within the SIP.
UUID A Universally Unique Identifier as defined in RFC4122. Note that a UUID is also an instance of an ID, if it starts with a letter or an underscore.
OR-id Organisation ID; a unique sequence of 10 Unicode (UTF-8) characters attributed by meemoo to each of its Content Partners. Note that an OR-id is also an instance of an ID.
URI A Uniform Resource Identifier as defined in RFC3986, which extends the URL.
URL A Uniform Resource Locator as defined in RFC1738.

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