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Package level

Table of contents

  1. mets.xml (file)
    1. Elements and internal references
    2. <mets> section
    3. <metsHdr> section
    4. <dmdSec> section
    5. <amdSec> section
    6. <fileSec> section
    7. <structMap> section
  2. /metadata (directory)
    1. /descriptive (directory)
    2. /preservation (directory)
      1. Describing Intellectual Entities
      2. Adding provenance of representations
  3. /representations (directory)

The package level is stored in the /data directory of the bag and consists of at least a mets.xml file, a /metadata directory and a /representations directory. It contains information about the IE(s) of the SIP and the SIP as a whole.

The package level may contain a /documentation and a /schemas directory. The former may contain additional information aiding the interpretation of the SIP, while the latter may contain XML Schema Definition (XSD) files of the metadata schemas used in the SIP. These two directories are ignored during ingest and will therefore not be archived.


│   ...
   │  mets.xml
   │  │
   │  └──descriptive
   │  │  |   ...
   │  │
   │  └──preservation
   │     |   ... 
      │   ...


  • The /data directory MUST contain exactly one mets.xml file.
  • The /data directory MUST contain exactly one /metadata directory.
  • The /data directory MUST contain exactly one /representations directory.
  • The /data directory MAY contain exactly one /documentation directory.
  • The /data directory MAY contain exactly one /schemas directory.

mets.xml (file)

Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard (METS) is a metadata standard for encoding descriptive, administrative and structural metadata. In the case of the meemoo SIP, the mets.xml file’s main purpose is to act as an inventory of the files and directories contained within. Since it is situated at the package-level, it is also known as the package METS file.

It should not be confused with the mets.xml files situated in their respective representation folders. The package mets.xml file does not record the internal structure of the different representations in the /representations directory. It only references the different mets.xml files contained in each /representation_* directory (where * is an integer indicating the number of different representations in the /representation directory). Each of the mets.xml files at the representation level references its own internal structure.

Elements and internal references

A mets.xml file typically consists of a number of fixed elements, outlined below. Each of these elements is covered in a dedicated subsection in the remainder of this section.

  • <mets> element: the root tag; this element contains a number of attributes with information about the type of SIP and its identification.
  • <metsHdr> element: this tag mainly covers the agents (such as software or the CP) involved with the creation and submission process of the SIP.
  • <dmdSec> element: this tag contains descriptive metadata, either embedded within the tag or with a reference to an external metadata file.
  • <amdSec> element: this tag contains preservation metadata, either embedded within the tag or with a reference to an external metadata file.
  • <fileSec> element: this tag acts as an inventory of the files that comprise the digital object being described in the mets.xml file.
  • <structMap> element: this tag organizes the digital content represented in the <fileSec>, <dmdSec>, and <amdSec> elements into a coherent hierarchical structure. This is important for a correct comprehension and navigation of digital content with complex relationships between the digital objects, such as newspapers.

Some of these elements, or their child elements, are identified with an identifier, contained in the @ID attribute (see the requirements in the sections below). These identifiers must be unique within the SIP.

The <structMap> serves as the entrypoint for locating the metadata, data or manifest files during parsing of the SIP. Therefore, it contains pointers to the @ID identifiers defined in the <fileSec>, <dmdSec>, and <amdSec> sections. An overview of the different elements and references on the package level is given in the following figure.

Internal references between elements in the package mets.xml
Internal references between elements in the mets.xml.

In addition, the <fileGrp> and <file> elements can also reference contents of the <amdSec> and <dmdSec>, however this is optional. A summary of all possible references and their obligation is given in the table below.

<mets> section

This is the root element of the package METS file. It contains a number of XML schema namespaces together with a number of attributes to uniquely identify the package METS file and the type of data it lists. The various requirements are listed in the table below.


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<mets xmlns=""
      TYPE="Photographs – Digital"
      xsi:schemaLocation=" ">




Element mets
Name METS root element
Description This is the root element of the package METS.
It MUST contain the following XML schema namespaces:
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/@OBJID
Name Package identifier
Description This is an ID for the METS document. For the package METS, this MUST be the same ID as the one used for the entire bag.
Datatype ID
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/@TYPE
Name Content category
Description This attribute MUST be set to declare the category of the content held in the SIP.
Datatype String; fixed vocabulary
Vocabulary Textual works - Print
Textual works - Digital
Textual works - Electronic Serials
Photographs - Print
Photographs - Digital
Other Graphic Images - Print
Other Graphic Images - Digital
Audio - On Tangible Medium (digital or analog)
Audio - Media-independent (digital)
Motion Pictures – Digital and Physical Media
Video – File-based and Physical Media
Physical object
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets[@TYPE="OTHER"]/@csip:OTHERTYPE
Name Other content category
Description When the mets/@TYPE attribute is set to “OTHER”, the mets/@csip:OTHERTYPE attribute SHOULD be used to declare the content category of the package representation not contained in the fixed vocabulary of the @TYPE attribute.
Datatype String
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation SHOULD
Name Content information type specification
Description This attribute must have the value “OTHER”. The value of the mets/@csip:OTHERCONTENTINFORMATIONTYPE attribute describes the value of the profile of the meemoo SIP.
Datatype String
Vocabulary OTHER
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Name Other content information type specification
Description This attribute is used to declare the Content Information Type Specification used when creating the SIP.
Meemoo uses this attribute to indicate which of meemoo’s content profiles a SIP uses. Its value MUST be a valid URI which can be found on the different content profile pages, e.g. the URI for the basic content profile which can be found on its content profile page.
Note that the sample above has the value of the basic profile as an example.
Datatype URI
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/@PROFILE
Name METS profile
Description The URL of the E-ARK METS profile that the SIP conforms with.
This URL MUST be set to to indicate conformance with the E-ARK specification.
Datatype URL
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/@LABEL
Name Package name
Description An optional short text describing the contents of the package.
Datatype String
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation MAY

<metsHdr> section

This element contains administrative metadata about the SIP such as its creator and its creation software. It does so by using separate agent tags for every role in the SIPs creation and submission process.


<metsHdr CREATEDATE="2022-02-16T10:01:15.014+02:00" csip:OAISPACKAGETYPE="SIP">
  <!-- information about the software -->
    <name>meemoo SIP creator</name>
    <note csip:NOTETYPE="SOFTWARE VERSION">0.1.</note>
  <!-- information about the archival creator-->
    <name>Flemish Cat Museum</name>
    <note csip:NOTETYPE="IDENTIFICATIONCODE">OR-m30wc4t</note>
  <!-- information about the submitting organisation -->
    <name>Flemish Cat Museum</name>
    <note csip:NOTETYPE="IDENTIFICATIONCODE">OR-m30wc4t</note>


Element mets/metsHdr
Name Package header
Description General element that contains descriptive information about the SIP.
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/metsHdr/@CREATEDATE
Name Package creation datetime
Description This attribute records the date and time the SIP was created.
Datatype XML Schema datetime
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/metsHdr/@LASTMODDATE
Name Package last modification datetime
Description In case the SIP was modified since its creation, this attribute records the date and time of that modification.
This attribute MUST be present and filled in when the SIP has been modified since its creation datetime.
Datatype XML Schema datetime
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation SHOULD
Attribute mets/metsHdr/@RECORDSTATUS
Name Package status
Description A way of indicating the status of the SIP and to instruct meemoo on how to properly handle it.
If not set, the expected value is NEW.
Meemoo investigates the use of the @RECORDSTATUS attribute for future use cases such as e.g. a metadata update (i.e. ingest of metadata only with the goal of updating, adding or deleting existing metadata in meemoo’s archive system).
Datatype String; fixed vocabulary
Vocabulary NEW
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation MAY
Attribute mets/metsHdr/@csip:OAISPACKAGETYPE
Name OAIS Package type information
Description The value of @csip:OAISPACKAGETYPE MUST be set to SIP to indicate to meemoo that the delivered content is a SIP meant for ingest.
Datatype String
Vocabulary SIP
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element mets/metsHdr/agent[@ROLE='CREATOR' and @OTHERTYPE='SOFTWARE']
Name SIP creator software agent
Description A mandatory agent element records the software used to create the package.
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/metsHdr/agent[@ROLE='CREATOR' and @OTHERTYPE='SOFTWARE']/@ROLE
Name SIP creator software agent role
Description The role of the SIP creator software agent.
This value MUST be set to CREATOR.
Datatype String
Vocabulary CREATOR
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/metsHdr/agent[@ROLE='CREATOR' and @OTHERTYPE='SOFTWARE']/@TYPE
Name SIP creator software agent type
Description The type of the SIP creator software agent.
This value MUST be set to OTHER.
Datatype String
Vocabulary OTHER
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/metsHdr/agent[@ROLE='CREATOR' and @OTHERTYPE='SOFTWARE']/@OTHERTYPE
Name SIP creator software agent other type
Description A specification of the type of the SIP creator software agent, indicating it being software.
This value MUST be set to SOFTWARE.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element mets/metsHdr/agent[@ROLE='CREATOR' and @OTHERTYPE='SOFTWARE']/name
Name SIP creator software agent name
Description This element records the name of the software tool used to create the SIP.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element mets/metsHdr/agent[@ROLE='CREATOR' and @OTHERTYPE='SOFTWARE']/note
Name SIP creator software agent additional information
Description The mandatory note element records the version of the software tool used to create the IP.
It MUST have a @csip:NOTETYPE attribute with the value SOFTWARE VERSION.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/metsHdr/agent[@ROLE='CREATOR' and @OTHERTYPE='SOFTWARE']/note[@csip:NOTETYPE='SOFTWARE VERSION']
Name Classification of the SIP creator software agent additional information
Description The value of this attribute MUST be set to SOFTWARE VERSION to denote the software version of the software being used.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element mets/metsHdr/agent[@ROLE='ARCHIVIST']
Name Archival creator agent
Description A wrapper element that enables to encode the name of the person/people or CP that originally created the content being transferred. This can be different from the CP tasked with preparing and sending the SIP to meemoo (cf. ‘submitting agent’ below).
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation MAY
Attribute mets/metsHdr/agent[@ROLE='ARCHIVIST']/@ROLE
Name Archival creator agent role
Description The role of the person/people or CP responsible for the digital content.
This value MUST be set to ARCHIVIST.
Datatype String
Vocabulary ARCHIVIST
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/metsHdr/agent[@ROLE='ARCHIVIST']/@TYPE
Name Archival creator agent type
Description The type of the archival creator agent. When the agent is a CP, this value MUST be set to ORGANIZATION.
Datatype String; fixed vocabulary
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element mets/metsHdr/agent[@ROLE='ARCHIVIST']/name
Name Archival creator agent name
Description The name of the CP that originally created the digital content being transferred.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element mets/metsHdr/agent[@ROLE='ARCHIVIST']/note
Name Archival creator agent additional information
Description The archival creator agent MAY have a note providing a unique identification code for the archival creator.
Datatype OR-id
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation MAY
Attribute mets/metsHdr/agent[@ROLE='ARCHIVIST']/note/@csip:NOTETYPE
Name Classification of the archival creator agent additional information
Description The archival creator agent note attribute value MUST be set to IDENTIFICATIONCODE.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element mets/metsHdr/agent[@ROLE='CREATOR' and @TYPE='ORGANIZATION']
Name Submitting agent
Description The name of the CP submitting the package to meemoo.
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/metsHdr/agent[@ROLE='CREATOR' and @TYPE='ORGANIZATION']/@ROLE
Name Submitting agent role
Description The role of the CP responsible for creating and/or submitting the SIP. This value MUST be set to CREATOR.
Datatype String
Vocabulary CREATOR
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/metsHdr/agent[@ROLE='CREATOR' and @TYPE='ORGANIZATION']/@TYPE
Name Submitting agent type
Description The type of the submitting agent. When the agent is a CP, this value MUST be set to ORGANIZATION.
Datatype String; fixed vocabulary
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element mets/metsHdr/agent[@ROLE='CREATOR' and @TYPE='ORGANIZATION']/name
Name Submitting agent name
Description Name of the CP or individual submitting the SIP to meemoo.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element mets/metsHdr/agent[@ROLE='CREATOR' and @TYPE='ORGANIZATION']/note
Name Submitting agent additional information
Description The submitting agent MUST have a note providing a unique identification code.
Datatype OR-id
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/metsHdr/agent[@ROLE='CREATOR' and @TYPE='ORGANIZATION']/note/@csip:NOTETYPE
Name Classification of the submitting agent agent additional information
Description This submitting agent note attribute value MUST be set to IDENTIFICATIONCODE.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element mets/metsHdr/agent[@ROLE='CREATOR' and @TYPE='INDIVIDUAL']
Name Contact person agent
Description Optional contact person for meemoo for the submission of the SIP.
Cardinality 0..*
Obligation MAY
Attribute mets/metsHdr/agent[@ROLE='CREATOR' and @TYPE='INDIVIDUAL']/@ROLE
Name Contact person agent role
Description The role of the contact person agent MUST be set to CREATOR.
Datatype String
Vocabulary CREATOR
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/metsHdr/agent[@ROLE='CREATOR' and @TYPE='INDIVIDUAL']/@TYPE
Name Contact person agent type
Description The type of the contact person agent MUST be set to INDIVIDUAL.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element mets/metsHdr/agent[@ROLE='CREATOR' and @TYPE='INDIVIDUAL']/name
Name Contact person agent name
Description Name of the contact person.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element mets/metsHdr/agent[@ROLE='CREATOR' and @TYPE='INDIVIDUAL']/note
Name Contact person agent additional information
Description The contact person agent MAY have one or more notes providing the actual contact information, such as an address, e-mail, telephone number…
Datatype String
Cardinality 0..*
Obligation MAY
Element mets/metsHdr/agent[@ROLE='PRESERVATION']
Name Preservation agent
Description The CP, organization or person/people that preserve the package.
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation MAY
Attribute mets/metsHdr/agent[@ROLE='PRESERVATION']/@ROLE
Name Preservation agent role
Description The role of the preservation agent MUST be set to PRESERVATION.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/metsHdr/agent[@ROLE='PRESERVATION']/@TYPE
Name Preservation agent type
Description The type of the preservation agent.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element mets/metsHdr/agent[@ROLE='PRESERVATION']/name
Name Preservation agent name
Description Name of the preservation agent.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MAY
Element mets/metsHdr/agent[@ROLE='PRESERVATION']/note
Name Preservation agent additional information
Description The preservation agent MAY have a note providing a unique identification code.
Datatype String
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation MAY
Attribute mets/metsHdr/agent/note[@ROLE='PRESERVATION']/@csip:NOTETYPE
Name Classification of the preservation agent additional information
Description This preservation agent note attribute value MUST be set to IDENTIFICATIONCODE.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element mets/metsHdr/altRecordID[@TYPE='SUBMISSIONAGREEMENT']
Name Submission agreement
Description An optional reference to the submission agreement associated with the SIP.
When used, the @TYPE attribute MUST be set to SUBMISSIONAGREEMENT.
Datatype URL
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation MAY
Name Previous submission agreement
Description An optional reference to a previous submission agreement associated with the SIP.
When used, the @TYPE attribute MUST be set to PREVIOUSSUBMISSIONAGREEMENT.
Datatype URL
Cardinality 0..*
Obligation MAY
Element mets/metsHdr/altRecordID[@TYPE='REFERENCECODE']
Name Archival reference code
Description An optional reference to indicate where in the archival hierarchy the package shall be placed in meemoo’s archive.
When used, the @TYPE attribute MUST be set to REFERENCECODE.
Datatype URL
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation MAY
Element mets/metsHdr/altRecordID[@TYPE='PREVIOUSREFERENCECODE']
Name Previous archival reference code
Description In cases where the SIP originates from other institutions maintaining a reference code structure, this element can be used to record these reference codes and therefore support the provenance of the package when a whole archival description is not submitted with the submission.
When used, the @TYPE attribute MUST be set to PREVIOUSREFERENCECODE.
Datatype URL
Cardinality 0..*
Obligation MAY

<dmdSec> section

The dmdSec element (short for ‘descriptive metadata section’) contains descriptive metadata about the IE(s) in the SIP. Descriptive metadata in the meemoo SIP MUST be contained in dedicated metadata files located in the /metadata/descriptive directory of the package level. This means that the dmdSec MUST use <mdRef> elements to reference the external metadata files.


<dmdSec ID="uuid-c6a678a7-b4b0-45af-a7d4-33123d9f0911">
  <mdRef LOCTYPE="URL" MDTYPE="DC" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="./metadata/descriptive/dc_1.xml" MIMETYPE="text/xml" SIZE="663" CREATED="2022-02-16T10:01:15.014+02:00" CHECKSUM="cd17cbb2153946c8462e10b337e0e9c1" CHECKSUMTYPE="MD5" />

<!-- ref to descriptive metadata about IE1 -->
<dmdSec ID="uuid-7a3443ed-9925-414b-819f-fc4830475e22">
    <mdRef LOCTYPE="URL" MDTYPE="DC" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="./metadata/descriptive/dc_2.xml" MIMETYPE="text/xml" SIZE="738" CREATED="2022-02-16T10:01:15.014+02:00" CHECKSUM="fbab574560f2d548fd84c6c1fd1cb7f2" CHECKSUMTYPE="MD5" />

<!-- ref to descriptive metadata about IE2 -->
<dmdSec ID="uuid-dff9e2ad-ab58-490a-9d80-df6c812404d2">
    <mdRef LOCTYPE="URL" MDTYPE="DC" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="./metadata/descriptive/dc_3.xml" MIMETYPE="text/xml" SIZE="748" CREATED="2022-02-16T10:01:15.014+02:00" CHECKSUM="9d55815152e83db76a32f74990d79cd3" CHECKSUMTYPE="MD5" />


Element mets/dmdSec
Name Descriptive metadata section
Description Wrapper element that contains a reference to a separate descriptive metadata file in the directory /metadata/descriptive.
It MUST be used if descriptive metadata for the package content is available.
Each dmdsec contains a single reference to a descriptive metadata file and MUST be repeated for multiple metadata files, when available.
Cardinality 0..*
Obligation SHOULD
Attribute mets/dmdSec/@ID
Name Descriptive metadata section identifier
Description A unique identifier for the dmdSec used for internal package references.
It MUST be unique within the SIP.
Datatype ID
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/dmdSec/@CREATED
Name Descriptive metadata creation datetime
Description Creation date and time of the descriptive metadata referenced in this section.
Datatype XML Schema datetime
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/dmdSec/@STATUS
Name Status of the descriptive metadata
Description Describes the status of the dmdSec which is supported by the profile.
Meemoo investigates the use of the @STATUS attribute for future use cases such as e.g. a descriptive metadata update (i.e. ingest of metadata only with the goal of updating, adding or deleting existing metadata in meemoo’s archive system).
Datatype String; fixed vocabulary
Vocabulary CURRENT
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation SHOULD
Element mets/dmdSec/mdRef
Name Reference to the document with the descriptive metadata
Description Reference to the descriptive metadata file(s) located in the /metadata/descriptive directory.
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/dmdSec/mdRef[@LOCTYPE='URL']
Name Type of locator
Description Indication of the locator type used to refer to the descriptive metadata file in the /metadata/descriptive directory.
It MUST always be used with the value URL.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/dmdSec/mdRef[@xlink:type='simple']
Name Type of link
Description This attribute’s value MUST be set to simple, in order to indicate a simple ‘HTML-like’ link.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/dmdSec/mdRef/@xlink:href
Name Resource location
Description Indication of the actual location of the descriptive metadata file.
As indicated by the @LOCTYPE attribute, this filepath MUST be a URL type filepath.
Datatype URL
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/dmdSec/mdRef/@MDTYPE
Name Type of descriptive metadata
Description Specification of the type of metadata that is used in the externally located descriptive metadata file(s) in the /metadata/descriptive directory.
Datatype String; fixed vocabulary
Vocabulary MODS
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/dmdSec/mdRef/@MIMETYPE
Name File mime type
Description The media/mime type of the referenced file.
Datatype IANA mime type
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/dmdSec/mdRef/@SIZE
Name File size
Description Size of the referenced file; this MUST be in bytes.
Datatype Integer
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/dmdSec/mdRef/@CREATED
Name File creation datetime
Description The creation date and time of the referenced file.
Datatype XML Schema datetime
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/dmdSec/mdRef/@CHECKSUM
Name File checksum
Description The checksum of the referenced file.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/dmdSec/mdRef/@CHECKSUMTYPE
Name File checksum type
Description A value from the METS-standard which identifies the algorithm used to calculate the checksum for the referenced file. This MUST be set to MD5.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST

<amdSec> section

The amdSec element (short for ‘administrative metadata section’) contains preservation metadata about the IE(s) of the SIP and about the SIP as a whole. Preservation data in the meemoo SIP MUST be contained in dedicated metadata files located in the metadata/preservation directory of the package-level. This means that the amdSec MUST use <mdRef> elements, contained in <digiprovMD> elements, to reference the external metadata files.


<!-- ref to the PREMIS metadata about IE(s)/package -->
  <digiprovMD ID="uuid-4ac13924-fe19-4711-b51f-6b5acc692ec0">
    <mdRef LOCTYPE="URL" MDTYPE="PREMIS" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="./metadata/preservation/premis.xml" MIMETYPE="text/xml" SIZE="6295" CREATED="2022-02-16T10:01:15.014+02:00" CHECKSUM="01de8b0a874407472a183aeece47505d" CHECKSUMTYPE="MD5" />


Element mets/amdSec
Name Administrative metadata section
Description Wrapper element that contains a reference to a separate preservation metadata file in the directory /metadata/preservation.
It MUST be used if preservation metadata for the package content is available.
All preservation metadata MUST be present in a single metadata file, resulting in a single amdSec element.
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation SHOULD
Element mets/amdSec/digiprovMD
Name Digital provenance metadata
Description Wrapper element for including preservation information using the PREMIS standard.
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/amdSec/digiprovMD/@ID
Name Digital provenance metadata identifier
Description A unique identifier used for internal package references.
It MUST be unique within the SIP.
Datatype ID
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/amdSec/digiprovMD/@STATUS
Name Status of the digital provenance metadata
Description Describes the status of the digiprovMD which is supported by the profile.
Meemoo investigates the use of the @STATUS attribute for future use cases such as e.g. a preservation metadata update (i.e. ingest of metadata only with the goal of updating, adding or deleting existing metadata in meemoo’s archive system).
Datatype String; fixed vocabulary
Vocabulary CURRENT
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation SHOULD
Element mets/amdSec/digiprovMD/mdRef
Name Reference to the file with the preservation metadata.
Description Reference to the preservation metadata file located in the /metadata/preservation directory.
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/amdSec/digiprovMD/mdRef[@LOCTYPE='URL']
Name Type of locator
Description Indication of the locator type used to refer to the preservation metadata file in the /metadata/preservation directory.
It MUST always be used with the value URL.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/amdSec/digiprovMD/mdRef[@xlink:type='simple']
Name Type of link
Description This attribute’s value MUST be set to simple, in order to indicate a simple ‘HTML-like’ link.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/amdSec/digiprovMD/mdRef/@xlink:href
Name Resource location
Description Indication of the actual location of the preservation metadata file.
As indicated by the @LOCTYPE attribute, this filepath MUST be a URL type filepath.
Datatype URL
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/amdSec/digiprovMD/mdRef/@MDTYPE
Name Type of preservation metadata
Description Specification of the type of metadata that is used in the externally located preservation metadata file in the /metadata/preservation directory. The value MUST be set to PREMIS.
Datatype String; fixed vocabulary
Vocabulary PREMIS
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/amdSec/digiprovMD/mdRef/@MIMETYPE
Name File mime type
Description The media/mime type of the referenced file.
Datatype IANA mime type
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/amdSec/digiprovMD/mdRef/@SIZE
Name File size
Description Size of the referenced file; this MUST be in bytes.
Datatype Integer
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/amdSec/digiprovMD/mdRef/@CREATED
Name File creation datetime
Description The creation date and time of the referenced file.
Datatype XML Schema datetime
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/amdSec/digiprovMD/mdRef/@CHECKSUM
Name File checksum
Description The checksum of the referenced file.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/amdSec/digiprovMD/mdRef/@CHECKSUMTYPE
Name File checksum type
Description A value from the METS-standard which identifies the algorithm used to calculate the checksum for the referenced file. This MUST be set to MD5.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST

<fileSec> section

The fileSec element (short for ‘file section’) lists all files of the package level in the SIP. It contains references to the representation mets.xml files of the different representations, but does not list other files of those representations. The listing of other representation files (i.e. metadata files and media files) is left to the respective representation mets.xml files.


<!-- file section -->
<fileSec ID="uuid-0c53fd9b-f640-4def-a872-2e4622f691d9">
  <fileGrp USE="Representations/representation_1" ID="uuid-700c97da-3164-4863-9e58-d6d62156052e">
      <file ID="uuid-0fe40ffc-b5f3-465e-af3a-d266d94453b7" MIMETYPE="text/xml" SIZE="4264" CREATED="2022-02-16T10:01:15.014+02:00" CHECKSUM="297f0482f32b2836d2ac7e2ff0a5884d" CHECKSUMTYPE="MD5">
          <FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="./representations/representation_1/mets.xml" />
  <fileGrp USE="Representations/representation_2" ID="uuid-c0fed1c6-96c8-4f15-9e82-abc7be2e981c">
      <file ID="uuid-625629a4-e5f8-4087-9114-66e4a943bf50" MIMETYPE="text/xml" SIZE="3865" CREATED="2022-02-16T10:01:15.014+02:00" CHECKSUM="95cd90cad81c9227f76d5f584182b308" CHECKSUMTYPE="MD5">
          <FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="./representations/representation_2/mets.xml" />


  • There MUST NOT be more than one fileSec element in the mets.xml file.
  • The fileSec element of the package mets.xml file MUST NOT reference anything from the different representation levels, EXCEPT the representation mets.xml files.
  • Each representation mets.xml MUST be referenced within its own fileGrp element within the fileSec element of the package mets.xml.
Element mets/fileSec
Name mets/fileSec
Description Wrapper element for the file section of the METS which contains different fileGrp elements which acts as an inventory of the package level and its content.
Only a single fileSec element should be present.
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation SHOULD
Attribute mets/fileSec/@ID
Name File section identifier
Description A unique identifier for the file section used for internal package references.
It MUST be unique within the SIP.
Datatype ID
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/fileSec/fileGrp[@USE='Documentation']
Name Documentation file group
Description All documentation pertaining to the transferred content is placed in one or more file group elements with mets/fileSec/fileGrp/@USE attribute value “Documentation”.
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation MAY
Attribute mets/fileSec/fileGrp[@USE='Schemas']
Name Schema file group
Description XML schemas used in the information package can be included in one or more file groups with mets/fileSec/fileGrp/@USE attribute value “Schemas”.
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation MAY
Attribute mets/fileSec/fileGrp[@USE=[starts-with('Representations')]]
Name Representations file group
Description A pointer to the METS document describing the representation or pointers to the content being transferred must be present in one or more file groups with mets/fileSec/fileGrp/@USE attribute value starting with Representations followed by the path to the folder where the representation level mets.xml file is placed.
Cardinality 1..*
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/fileSec/fileGrp/@ADMID
Name Reference to administrative metadata
Description Reference to the ID of the corresponding administrative metadata section, in case an amdSec was used.
Datatype ID
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation MAY
Attribute mets/@csip:CONTENTINFORMATIONTYPE="MIXED"|mets/fileSec/fileGrp[@USE=[starts-with('Representations')]]/@csip:CONTENTINFORMATIONTYPE
Name Content Information Type Specification
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation SHOULD
Name Other Content Information Type Specification
Description When the mets/fileSec/fileGrp/@csip:CONTENTINFORMATIONTYPE attribute has the value OTHER the attribute mets/fileSec/fileGrp/@csip:OTHERCONTENTINFORMATIONTYPE must state a value for the Content Information Type Specification used.
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation MAY
Attribute mets/fileSec/fileGrp/@USE
Name Description of the use of the file group
Description The value in the mets/fileSec/fileGrp/@USE attribute is the name of the whole folder structure to the data, e.g. representations/representation_1 or documentation.
Datatype URL
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/fileSec/fileGrp/@ID
Name File group identifier
Description A unique identifier for the file group. This is used for internal package references.
It MUST be unique within the SIP.
Datatype ID
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element mets/fileSec/fileGrp/file
Name File
Description The file elements contain descriptions of the media files.
Cardinality 1..*
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/fileSec/fileGrp/file/@ID
Name File identifier
Description A unique identifier for the file. This is used for internal package references.
It MUST be unique within the SIP.
Datatype ID
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/fileSec/fileGrp/file/@MIMETYPE
Name File mimetype
Description The media/mime type of the referenced file.
Datatype IANA mime type
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/fileSec/fileGrp/file/@SIZE
Name File size
Description Size of the referenced file; this MUST be in bytes.
Datatype Integer
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/fileSec/fileGrp/file/@CREATED
Name File creation datetime
Description The creation date and time of the referenced file.
Datatype XML Schema datetime
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/fileSec/fileGrp/file/@CHECKSUM
Name File checksum
Description The checksum of the referenced file.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/fileSec/fileGrp/file/@CHECKSUMTYPE
Name File checksum type
Description A value from the METS-standard which identifies the algorithm used to calculate the checksum for the referenced file. This MUST be set to MD5.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/fileSec/fileGrp/file/@OWNERID
Name File original identification
Description If an identifier for the file was supplied by the CP it can be recorded in this attribute.
Datatype String
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation MAY
Attribute mets/fileSec/fileGrp/file/@ADMID
Name File reference to administrative metadata
Description If an amdSec (with @ID attribute) was provided, this attribute allows to reference it.
Datatype ID
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation MAY
Attribute mets/fileSec/fileGrp/file/@DMDID
Name File reference to descriptive metadata
Description If a dmdSec (with @ID attribute) was provided, this attribute allows to reference it.
Datatype ID
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation MAY
Element mets/fileSec/fileGrp/file/FLocat
Name File locator reference
Description Element that allows for referencing the location of each external file.
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/fileSec/fileGrp/file/FLocat[@LOCTYPE='URL']
Name Type of locator
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/fileSec/fileGrp/file/FLocat[@xlink:type='simple']
Name Type of link
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/fileSec/fileGrp/file/FLocat/@xlink:href
Name Resource location
Description Indication of the actual location of the referenced file.
As indicated by the @LOCTYPE attribute, this filepath MUST be a URL type filepath.  
Datatype URL
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST

<structMap> section

The structMap element outlines the hierarchical structure of the package level of the SIP. It provides links between elements and metadata files located elsewhere in the package level.


<!-- structural map -->
<structMap ID="uuid-1ce2cef4-cb9a-4649-8983-c916870cf2b4" TYPE="PHYSICAL" LABEL="CSIP">
    <div ID="uuid-33cd69c8-b297-40e1-9491-1b5db58890bd" LABEL="package-example">
        <div ID="uuid-c0a73bbc-d6f3-42a0-b5e1-f53a4601101b" LABEL="Metadata"
            DMDID="uuid-c6a678a7-b4b0-45af-a7d4-33123d9f0911 uuid-7a3443ed-9925-414b-819f-fc4830475e22 uuid-dff9e2ad-ab58-490a-9d80-df6c812404d2"
            ADMID="uuid-4ac13924-fe19-4711-b51f-6b5acc692ec0" />
        <div ID="uuid-c5cab13b-aced-4024-bbc3-d38c682602d2" LABEL="Representations/representation_1">
            <mptr xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="./representations/representation_1/mets.xml" LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:title="uuid-700c97da-3164-4863-9e58-d6d62156052e" />
        <div ID="uuid-daeba358-46ee-4363-b2a2-bd745c128f6f" LABEL="Representations/representation_2">
            <mptr xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="./representations/representation_2/mets.xml" LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:title="uuid-c0fed1c6-96c8-4f15-9e82-abc7be2e981c" />


Element mets/structMap
Name Structural description of the package
Description The structMap describes the highest logical structure of the IP.
Cardinality 1..*
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/structMap[@TYPE='PHYSICAL']
Name Type of structural description
Description The mets/structMap/@TYPE attribute MUST take the value PHYSICAL.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/structMap[@LABEL='CSIP']
Name Name of the structural description
Description This value MUST be set to CSIP in order to be compliant with the E-ARK Common Specification for Information Packages.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/structMap[@LABEL='CSIP']/@ID
Name Structural description identifier
Description A unique identifier for the structural description. This can be used for internal package references.
Datatype ID
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element mets/structMap[@LABEL='CSIP']/div
Name Main structural division
Description The division element. Each structMap element MUST contain one div element that contains possible further div elements of the structMap elements.
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/structMap[@LABEL='CSIP']/div/@ID
Name Main structural division identifier
Description A unique identifier for the main div element. This can be used for internal package references.
It MUST be unique within the SIP.
Datatype ID
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/structMap[@LABEL='CSIP']/div/div[@LABEL='Metadata']
Name Metadata division
Description The metadata referenced in the administrative and/or descriptive metadata section is described in the structural map with one sub division.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/structMap[@LABEL='CSIP']/div/div[@LABEL='Metadata']/@ID
Name Metadata division identifier
Description A unique identifier for the metadata div element. This can be used for internal package references.
It MUST be unique within the SIP.
Datatype ID
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/structMap[@LABEL='CSIP']/div/div[@LABEL='Metadata']
Name Metadata division label
Description The metadata div element’s @LABEL attribute value MUST be Metadata.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/structMap[@LABEL='CSIP']/div/div[@LABEL='Metadata']/@ADMID
Name Metadata division references administrative metadata
Description The administrative metadata division should reference all current administrative metadata sections.
All amdSec elements with @STATUS='CURRENT' SHOULD be referenced by their identifier, @ID.
The current amdSec elements’ @IDs are recorded in the div[@LABEL='Metadata']/@ADMID attribute in a space delimited list.
Datatype ID
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation SHOULD
Attribute mets/structMap[@LABEL='CSIP']/div/div[@LABEL='Metadata']/@DMDID
Name Metadata division references descriptive metadata
Description The descriptive metadata division should reference all current descriptive metadata sections.
All dmdSec elements with @STATUS='CURRENT' SHOULD be referenced by their identifier, @ID.
The current dmdSec elements’ @IDs are recorded in the div[@LABEL='Metadata']/@DMDID attribute in a space delimited list.
Datatype ID
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation SHOULD
Attribute mets/structMap[@LABEL='CSIP']/div/div[@LABEL='Documentation']
Name Documentation division
Description The documentation referenced in the file section file groups is described in the structural map with one sub division.
Datatype String
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation SHOULD
Attribute mets/structMap[@LABEL='CSIP']/div/div[@LABEL='Documentation']/@ID
Name Documentation division identifier
Description A unique identifier for the documentation div element. This can be used for internal package references.
Datatype ID
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/structMap[@LABEL='CSIP']/div/div[@LABEL='Documentation']
Name Documentation division label
Description The documentation div element’s @LABEL attribute value MUST be Documentation.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element mets/structMap[@LABEL='CSIP']/div/div[@LABEL='Documentation']/fptr
Name Documentation file references
Description All file groups containing documentation described in the package are referenced via the relevant file group identifiers.
There MUST be one file group reference per fptr element.
Cardinality 1..*
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/structMap[@LABEL='CSIP']/div/div[@LABEL='Documentation']/fptr/@FILEID
Name Documentation file group reference pointer
Description A unique identifier to the Documentation file group. This can be used for internal package references.
Datatype ID
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/structMap[@LABEL='CSIP']/div/div[@LABEL='Schemas']
Name Schema division
Description The schemas referenced in the file section file groups are described in the structural map within a single sub-division.
Datatype String
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation SHOULD
Attribute mets/structMap[@LABEL='CSIP']/div/div[@LABEL='Schemas']/@ID
Name Schema division identifier
Description A unique identifier to the Schemas file group. This can be used for internal package references.
Datatype ID
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/structMap[@LABEL='CSIP']/div/div[@LABEL='Schemas']
Name Schema division label
Description The schemas div element’s @LABEL attribute value MUST be Schemas.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element mets/structMap[@LABEL='CSIP']/div/div[@LABEL='Schemas']/fptr
Name Schema file reference
Description All file groups containing schemas described in the package are referenced via the relevant file group identifiers.
There MUST be one file group reference per fptr element.
Cardinality 1..*
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/structMap[@LABEL='CSIP']/div/div[@LABEL='Schemas']/fptr/@FILEID
Name Schema file group reference
Description A unique identifier to the Schemas file group. This can be used for internal package references.
Datatype ID
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element mets/structMap[@LABEL='CSIP']/div/div[@LABEL='Representations/representation_*']
Name Representation division
Description A package consists of multiple representations, each described by a representation level mets.xml file, there should be a discrete representation \div element for each representation.
Each representation div references the representation level mets.xml file, documenting the structure of the representation and its content.
Cardinality 1..*
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/structMap[@LABEL='CSIP']/div/div[@LABEL='Representations/representation_*']/@ID
Name Representations division identifier
Description A unique identifier that can be used for internal package references.
Datatype ID
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/structMap[@LABEL='CSIP']/div/div[@LABEL='Representations/representation_*']/@LABEL
Name Representations division label
Description The package’s representation division div element @LABEL attribute value must be the path to the representation level mets.xml file starting with the value Representations followed by the main folder name, e.g. Representations/representation_1.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element mets/structMap[@LABEL='CSIP']/div/div[@LABEL='Representations/representation_*']/mptr
Name Representation METS pointer
Description The division div of the specific representation includes one occurrence of the METS pointer mptr element, pointing to the appropriate representation mets.xml file.
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/structMap[@LABEL='CSIP']/div/div[@LABEL='Representations/representation_*']/mptr/@xlink:title
Name Representations division file references
Description The file group containing the files described in the package are referenced via the relevant file group identifier.
Datatype ID
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/structMap[@LABEL='CSIP']/div/div[@LABEL='Representations/representation_*']/mptr/@xlink:href
Name Resource location
Description Indication of the actual location of the mets.xml file.
As indicated by the @LOCTYPE attribute, this filepath MUST be a URL type filepath.
One SHOULD use the relative location of the file in this URL.
Datatype URL
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/structMap[@LABEL='CSIP']/div/div[@LABEL='Representations/representation_*']/mptr[@xlink:type='simple']
Name Type of link
Description This attribute’s value MUST be set to simple, in order to indicate a simple ‘HTML-like’ link.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mets/structMap[@LABEL='CSIP']/div/div[@LABEL='Representations/representation_*']/mptr[@LOCTYPE='URL']
Name Type of locator
Description Indication of the locator type used to refer to the representation mets.xml files of the different representation levels.
It MUST always be used with the value URL.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST

/metadata (directory)

The /metadata directory contains both descriptive and preservation metadata about the IE(s) at the package level. It also contains preservation metadata about the SIP as a whole.


  • The /metadata directory MUST contain exactly two subdirectories: /descriptive and /preservation.

/descriptive (directory)

The /descriptive directory contains descriptive metadata about the IE(s) at the package level. This descriptive metadata is stored in different XML files, depending on the number of IE(s) present in the SIP. Examples are dc.xml, mods.xml and dc+schema.xml. These files apply a certain metadata schema, such as DCTERMS or MODS. The concrete requirements of descriptive metadata files and the applied metadata schemas are defined by the content profiles.

/preservation (directory)

The /preservation directory contains preservation metadata about the IE(s) at the package level.


  • The /preservation directory MUST contain exactly one file: premis.xml.

The premis.xml file at the package-level contains preservation metadata about the IE(s) of the SIP, and about the SIP as a whole. It also contains any additional IDs related to the IE(s) of the SIP. It relies on the Preservation Metadata: Implementation Strategies (PREMIS) standard in order to provide basic preservation information. More detailed preservation information can be described using PREMIS events and PREMIS agents.

If descriptive metadata is available for a given IE, a link is established via a shared ID between the relevant PREMIS object in the premis.xml file and the corresponding descriptive/dc*.xml file. This ID is stored in the <premis:objectIdentifier> element of the relevant PREMIS object and in the <dcterms:identifier> element of the corresponding dc*.xml file in the /descriptive directory.

Describing Intellectual Entities

On the package level, the preservation metadata is used to express

  • what the different IEs are contained in the SIP; and
  • how they relate to eachother and to possible representations.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<premis:premis version="3.0" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:premis="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

  <!-- IE about the Felis Catus Flamens -->
  <premis:object xsi:type="premis:intellectualEntity">


    <!-- relationship between the main IE and the nested IEs -->
      <premis:relationshipType authority="relationshipType" authorityURI="" valueURI="">structural</premis:relationshipType>
      <premis:relationshipSubType authority="relationshipSubType" authorityURI="" valueURI="">has part</premis:relationshipSubType>


  <!-- nested IE1 about the Felis Catus Flamens lying on the sofa -->
  <premis:object xsi:type="premis:intellectualEntity">


    <!-- relationship between nested IE1 and the main IE -->
      <premis:relationshipType authority="relationshipType" authorityURI="" valueURI="">structural</premis:relationshipType>
      <premis:relationshipSubType authority="relationshipSubType" authorityURI="" valueURI="">is part of</premis:relationshipSubType>

    <!-- relationship between nested IE1 and its representation -->
      <premis:relationshipType authority="relationshipType" authorityURI="" valueURI="">structural</premis:relationshipType>
      <premis:relationshipSubType authority="relationshipSubType" authorityURI="" valueURI="">is represented by</premis:relationshipSubType>


  <!-- nested IE2 about the Felis Catus Flamens sitting on its cat tree -->
  <premis:object xsi:type="premis:intellectualEntity">


    <!-- relationship between nested IE2 and the main IE -->
      <premis:relationshipType authority="relationshipType" authorityURI="" valueURI="">structural</premis:relationshipType>
      <premis:relationshipSubType authority="relationshipSubType" authorityURI="" valueURI="">is part of</premis:relationshipSubType>

    <!-- relationship between nested IE2 and its representation -->
      <premis:relationshipType authority="relationshipType" authorityURI="" valueURI="">structural</premis:relationshipType>
      <premis:relationshipSubType authority="relationshipSubType" authorityURI="" valueURI="">is represented by</premis:relationshipSubType>



Overview of relevant PREMIS relationships

The table below gives an overview of the different relationship types that can be used on the package level:

Direction Relationship type Relationship subtype Reciprocal/inverse relationship Description
From (main) IE to (sub) IE structural has part is part of A a larger IE, such as the main IE, has another IE as a part.
From (sub) IE to (main) IE structural is part of has part A subIE is part of a larger main IE.
From IE to Representation structural is represented by represents The IE object is represented by one of its representations


Element premis:premis
Name PREMIS root element
Description This is the root element of the PREMIS file.

It MUST contain the following XML schema namespaces:
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute premis:premis/@version
Name PREMIS version attribute
Description This attribute signals which PREMIS version is being used.
The attribute’s value MUST be set to 3.0.
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute premis:premis/@xsi:schemaLocation
Name Schema location declaration
Description This attribute signals where to find the relevant XSD schema in order to validate the PREMIS file.

When used, its value MUST be set to to signal conformance with PREMIS 3.0.
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation SHOULD
Element premis:premis/premis:object
Name PREMIS object element
Description A premis:object element MUST be defined for each IE in the SIP.
Cardinality 1..*
Obligation MUST
Attribute premis:premis/premis:object/@xsi:type
Name Object type
Description This attribute signals whether a PREMIS object is of type intellectual entity, representation or file.

Since the package level can only contain IEs, this attribute’s value MUST always be set to premis:intellectualEntity.
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:object/premis:objectIdentifier
Name Object identifier
Description This element contains object identifier information.

There MUST be exactly one object identifier present with premis:objectIdentifierType set to UUID (see below). This is the main identifier for the object, which uniquely identifies the concerned IE and establishes a link between the relevant preservation metadata in the premis.xml file and the descriptive metadata in the dc.xml file, if any is present.

There MAY be zero or more additional object identifiers of a different type. It is RECOMMENDED to include an identifier with premis:objectIdentifierType set to MEEMOO-LOCAL-ID to pinpoint the main local identifier well known to the SIP submitter (e.g., the record identifier in the local collection registration system), which can be used to easily retrieve the intellectual entity from the meemoo archive.
Cardinality 1..*
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:object/premis:objectIdentifier/premis:objectIdentifierType
Name Object identifier type
Description The type of the PREMIS object identifier being used.

At least one identifier of type UUID MUST be defined in order to provide a unique identifier for each PREMIS object.

This unique identifier is also used to link the concerned PREMIS object with the descriptive metadata in the /metadata/descriptive/dc.xml file, if any is present.
Datatype String; fixed vocabulary (e.g. PREMIS standard identifiers)
Vocabulary UUID
and all keys from this list.
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:object/premis:objectIdentifier/premis:objectIdentifierValue
Name Object identifier value
Description The actual value that makes up the identifier of the PREMIS object.
Datatype String (depending on the value of the premis:objectIdentifierType)
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:object/premis:relationship
Name PREMIS relationship
Description Information about a relationship between the current object and one or more other objects.

In the case of the premis.xml file of the package level, this element MUST detail the relationships between the IE defined at the package level and all of its representations defined in the various directories of the representation level.
Cardinality 1..*
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:object/premis:relationship/premis:relationshipType
Name Relationship type
Description A high-level categorization of the nature of the relationship.

This element’s value MUST be set to structural when expressing the relationship between one IE and another or between the IE object and one of its representations.
Datatype String; fixed vocabulary
Vocabulary structural
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute premis:premis/premis:object/premis:relationship/premis:relationshipType/@authority
Name Relationship type authority attribute
Description This attribute indicates the name of the authority/controlled vocabulary that is being used for the different relationship types. Its value MUST be set to relationshipType.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute premis:premis/premis:object/premis:relationship/premis:relationshipType/@authorityURI
Name Relationship type authority URI
Description This attribute references the URI that contains the authority/controlled vocabulary. Its value MUST be set to
Datatype URI
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute premis:premis/premis:object/premis:relationship/premis:relationshipType/@valueURI
Name Relationship type value URI
Description This attribute references the URI that contains the specific entry from the authority/controlled vocabulary.

If the structural relationship type is being used, this attribute’s value MUST be set to
Datatype URI; fixed vocabulary
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:object/premis:relationship/premis:relationshipSubType
Name Relationship subtype
Description A detailed categorization of the nature of the relationship.

In the case of the premis.xml file of the package level, this element’s value MUST be set to is represented by when expressing the relationship between the IE object and one of its representations.

When multiple IEs are used in the SIP, this element’s value MUST be set to generalizes when the relationship is expressed from the side of the main IE (i.e. the main IE is the subject of the relationship); when the relationship is expressed from the side of one of the subIEs (i.e. one of the subIEs is the subject of the relationship), this element’s value MUST be set to specializes.
Datatype String; fixed vocabulary
Vocabulary is represented by
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute premis:premis/premis:object/premis:relationship/premis:relationshipSubType/@authority
Name Relationship subtype authority attribute
Description This attribute indicates the name of the authority/controlled vocabulary that is being used for the different relationship subtypes. Its value MUST be set to relationshipSubType.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute premis:premis/premis:object/premis:relationship/premis:relationshipSubType/@authorityURI
Name Relationship subtype authority URI
Description This attribute references the URI that contains the authority/controlled vocabulary. Its value MUST be set to
Datatype URI
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute premis:premis/premis:object/premis:relationship/premis:relationshipSubType/@valueURI
Name Relationship subtype value URI
Description This attribute references the URI that contains the specific entry from the authority/controlled vocabulary.

If the is represented by relationship subtype is being used, this attribute’s value MUST be set to
If the has part relationship subtype is being used, this attribute’s value MUST be set to
If the is part of relationship subtype is being used, this attribute’s value MUST be set to
Datatype URI; fixed vocabulary
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:object/premis:relationship/premis:relatedObjectIdentifier
Name Related object identifier
Description This element references the object of the relationship that is expressed.
Cardinality 1..*
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:object/premis:relationship/premis:relatedObjectIdentifier/premis:relatedObjectIdentifierType
Name Related object identifier type
Description The type of the PREMIS related object identifier being used.
Datatype String; fixed vocabulary (e.g. PREMIS standard identifiers)
Vocabulary UUID
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:object/premis:relationship/premis:relatedObjectIdentifier/premis:relatedObjectIdentifierValue
Name Related object identifier value
Description The actual value that makes up the identifier of the PREMIS related object.
Datatype String (depending on the value of the premis:relatedObjectIdentifierType)
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST

Adding provenance of representations

If desired, a representation’s provenance trail can be added to the preservation metadata using PREMIS events and agents. In most cases, events are used to submit information about the digitization process that created the representations. The use of events might be prohibited or enforced depending on the given content profile.

The possible event types are limited and managed by a controlled list. This list is still under development and will be published in a future release of the specification.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<premis:premis version="3.0" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:premis="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

    <!-- description of objects (left out for clarity) -->

    <!-- description of the digitization event that created the supplied representation -->
            <premis:eventDetail />
            <premis:eventOutcome valueURI="">succes</premis:eventOutcome>
            <premis:linkingAgentRole valueURI="">implementer</premis:linkingAgentRole>
            <premis:linkingObjectRole valueURI="">outcome</premis:linkingObjectRole>

    <!-- description of the video player used to digitize an analog carrier -->
        <premis:agentName>SONY PDW-U2</premis:agentName>
        <premis:agentExtension xmlns:schema="">
Element premis:premis/premis:event
Name PREMIS event element
Description A premis:event element MAY be defined for one or more representations in the SIP.
Cardinality 0..*
Obligation MAY
Element premis:premis/premis:event/premis:eventIdentifier
Name Event identifier
Description This element contains event identifier information.

At least one event identifier MUST be present to uniquely identify the event.
Cardinality 1..*
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:event/premis:eventIdentifier/premis:eventIdentifierType
Name Event identifier type
Description The type of the PREMIS event identifier being used.

At least one identifier of type UUID MUST be defined in order to provide a unique identifier for each PREMIS event.
Datatype String; fixed vocabulary (e.g. PREMIS standard identifiers)
Vocabulary UUID
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:event/premis:eventIdentifier/premis:eventIdentifierValue
Name Event identifier value
Description The actual value that makes up the identifier of the PREMIS event.
Datatype String (depending on the value of the premis:eventIdentifierType)
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:event/premis:eventType
Name PREMIS event type
Description The specific type of the event.
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:event/premis:eventDateTime
Name Event datetime
Description The moment on which the event occurred.
Datatype XML Schema datetime
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:event/premis:eventDetailInformation
Name Event detail information
Description Additional information about the Event.
Cardinality 0..*
Obligation SHOULD
Element premis:premis/premis:event/premis:eventDetailInformation/premis:eventDetail
Name Event detail
Description Additional information as unstructured text. Multiple details should be recorded in independent premis:eventDetailInformation containers instead of repeating the premis:eventDetail element.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:event/premis:eventOutcomeInformation
Name Event outcome information
Description Information about the outcome of an event.
Cardinality 0..*
Obligation MAY
Element premis:premis/premis:event/premis:eventOutcomeInformation/premis:eventOutcome
Name Event outcome
Description This element categorizes the outcome of the event in terms of success or failure.
Datatype String; fixed vocabulary (e.g. PREMIS event outcome)
Vocabulary fail
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute premis:premis/premis:event/premis:eventOutcomeInformation/premis:eventOutcome/@valueURI
Name Event outcome value URI
Description This attribute references the URI that contains the specific entry from the authority/controlled vocabulary.

If the event outcome is fail, this attribute’s value MUST be set to
If the event outcome is success, this attribute’s value MUST be set to
If the event outcome is warning, this attribut’s value MUST be set to
Datatype URI; fixed vocabulary
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation MAY
Element premis:premis/premis:event/premis:linkingAgentIdentifier
Name Linking agent identifier
Description This element contains identifier information on the agent that was linked to this event.

At least one linking agent identifier MUST be present.
Cardinality 1..*
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:event/premis:linkingAgentIdentifier/premis:linkingAgentIdentifierType
Name Linking agent identifier type
Description The type of the agent identifier being used.
Datatype String; fixed vocabulary
Vocabulary UUID
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:event/premis:linkingAgentIdentifier/premis:linkingAgentIdentifierValue
Name Linking agent identifier value
Description The actual value that makes up the identifier of the agent.
Datatype String (depending on the value of the premis:linkingAgentIdentifierType)
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:event/premis:linkingAgentIdentifier/premis:linkingAgentRole
Name Linking agent role
Description The role that the agent played in relation to the event.
Datatype String; fixed vocabulary (e.g. PREMIS Event Related Agent Role)
Vocabulary authorizer
executing program

Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute premis:premis/premis:event/premis:linkingAgentIdentifier/premis:linkingAgentRole/@valueURI
Name Linking agent role value URI
Description This attribute references the URI that contains the specific entry from the authority/controlled vocabulary.

If the authorizer role is being used, this attribute’s value MUST be set to
If the executing program role is being used, this attribute’s value MUST be set to
If the implementer role is being used, this attribute’s value MUST be set to
If the validator role is being used, this attribute’s value MUST be set to
Datatype URI; fixed vocabulary
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation MAY
Element premis:premis/premis:event/premis:linkingObjectIdentifier
Name Linking object identifier
Description This element contains identifier information on a representation that was linked to this event.

At least one linking object identifier MUST be present.
Cardinality 1..*
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:event/premis:linkingObjectIdentifier/premis:linkingObjectIdentifierType
Name Linking object identifier type
Description The type of the object identifier that the event is being linked to.
Datatype String; fixed vocabulary (e.g. PREMIS standard identifiers)
Vocabulary UUID
and all keys from this list.
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:event/premis:linkingObjectIdentifier/premis:linkingObjectIdentifierValue
Name Linking object identifier value
Description The actual value that makes up the identifier of the linked representation.
Datatype String (depending on the value of the premis:linkingObjectIdentifierType)
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:event/premis:linkingObjectIdentifier/premis:linkingObjectRole
Name Linking object role
Description The role that the object played in relation to the event.
Datatype String; fixed vocabulary from PREMIS Event Related Object Role)
Vocabulary source
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute premis:premis/premis:event/premis:linkingAgentIdentifier/premis:linkingObjectRole/@valueURI
Name Linking agent role value URI
Description This attribute references the URI that contains the specific entry from the authority/controlled vocabulary.

If the outcome role is being used, this attribute’s value MUST be set to
If the source role is being used, this attribute’s value MUST be set to
Datatype URI; fixed vocabulary
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation MAY
Element premis:premis/premis:agent
Name PREMIS agent element
Description A person, organization or piece of software or hardware associated to preservation events in the life of a data object. A premis:agent element MAY be defined for one or more events.
Cardinality 0..*
Obligation MAY
Element premis:premis/premis:agent/premis:agentIdentifier
Name Agent identifier
Description This element contains agent identifier information.

At least one agent identifier MUST be present to uniquely identify the agent.
Cardinality 1..*
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:agent/premis:agentIdentifier/premis:agentIdentifierType
Name Agent identifier type
Description The type of the PREMIS agent identifier being used.

At least one identifier of type UUID MUST be defined in order to provide a unique identifier for each PREMIS agent.
Datatype String; fixed vocabulary (e.g. PREMIS standard identifiers)
Vocabulary UUID
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:agent/premis:agentIdentifier/premis:agentIdentifierValue
Name Agent identifier value
Description The actual value that makes up the identifier of the PREMIS agent.
Datatype String (depending on the value of the premis:agentIdentifierType)
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:agent/premis:agentName
Name Agent name
Description The name of the agent.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:agent/premis:agentType
Name Agent type
Description The type of agent, such as a specific type of organization (e.g. CP) or a specific type of hardware (e.g. video player).
Datatype String; fixed vocabulary from PREMIS Agent Type
Vocabulary person
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element premis:premis/premis:agent/premis:agentExtension
Name Agent extra metadata
Description Any extra metadata to further describe the agent. Its constraints are defined in the applied content profile.
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation MAY

/representations (directory)

The /representations directory contains a separate /representation_* (where * is a positive integer increasing by 1 for each additional representation) directory for each representation of (the) IE(s) of the package level.


  • The /representations directory MUST at least contain one /representation_* directory.
  • The different subdirectories in the /representations directory MUST be named /representation_*, with * being a positive integer that is incremented by 1 for each additional representation in the /representations directory.

Continue to representation level.