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Profile: Material artwork

The Material artwork profile supports digital reproductions of artworks that are moveable material objects, often, but not always, displayed in or maintained by museums. This includes photographic registration of 2D artworks, such as paintings or drawings, in high and very high (gigapixel) resolution and high-polygon scans of 3D artworks, such as statues or sculptures.

This content profile specifies how to package different media files (e.g., TIFF, JPEG, OBJ or MTL), their metadata and the relationships between them in a meemoo SIP package. It also allows extensions to the descriptive metadata using


Example Directory structure

2D photoregistration

│── manifest-md5.txt
│── bagit.txt
└── data
    │── mets.xml
    │── metadata
    |   |── descriptive
    |   |   └── dc+schema.xml
    |   └── preservation
    |       └── premis.xml
    └── representations
        └──representation_1       # overview with frame
           │── mets.xml
           │  └── PID_overzichtsopname_metlijst_tiff.tiff
              |── descriptive     (optional)
              |   └── dc+schema.xml
                 └── premis.xml
        └──representation_2       # overview without frame
           │── mets.xml
           │  └── PID_overzichtsopname_zonderlijst_tiff.tif
              |── descriptive     (optional)
              |   └── dc+schema.xml    
                 └── premis.xml
        └──representation_3       # composed stitch 
           │── mets.xml
           │  └── PID_stitch_tiff.tif
              |── descriptive     (optional)    
              |   └── dc+schema.xml    
                 └── premis.xml
        └──representation_4       # stitch 
           │── mets.xml
           |  |── PID_deelopname1_tiff.tif
           |  |── PID_deelopname2_tiff.tif
           │  └── ...
              |── descriptive     (optional)  
              |   └── dc+schema.xml    
                 └── premis.xml

3D scan

│── manifest-md5.txt
│── bagit.txt
└── data
    │── mets.xml
    │── metadata
    |   |── descriptive
    |   |   └── dc+schema.xml
    |   └── preservation
    |       └── premis.xml
    └── representations
        └──representation_1       # high-poly capture for print
           │── mets.xml
           │  └── PID_ARCH_STL.STL              
              |── descriptive     (optional)
              |   └── dc+schema.xml
                 └── premis.xml
        └──representation_2       # high-poly capture
           │── mets.xml
           |  |── PID_ARCH_OBJ.OBJ       # polygon file    
           |  |── PID_ARCH_TIFF_COLOR.TIFF      # texture image       
           │  └── PID_ARCH_MTL.MTL              # texture mapping file
              |── descriptive     (optional)
              |   └── dc+schema.xml
                 └── premis.xml
        └──representation_3       # low-poly capture
           │── mets.xml
           |  |── PID_VER_OBJ.OBJ       # polygon file    
           |  |── PID_VER_COLOR_BMP.BMP             # texture image       
           │  └── PID_VER_MTL.MTL                   # texture mapping file
              |── descriptive     (optional)
              |   └── dc+schema.xml   
                 └── premis.xml
        └──representation_4       # quality assessment reference
           │── mets.xml
           |  |── PID_REF_OBJ.OBJ               # polygon file    
           |  |── PID_REF_BMP.BMP               # texture image      
           |  |── PID_REF_IJK_BMP.BMP           # reference texture image     
           │  └── PID_REF_MTL.MTL               # texture mapping file
              |── descriptive     (optional)
              |   └── dc+schema.xml    
                 └── premis.xml



  • There MUST be exactly one IE at the root. There MAY be other sub-IE’s that are part of the root IE or other sub-IE’s (e.g. to describe panels of a triptych individually).
  • There MUST be at least one representation, but there MAY be multiple: either containing different captures or resolutions of the same IE or representing a different IE.
  • Each representation MUST contain at least one file.
  • Preservation metadata MUST be limited to the PREMIS metadata schema.
  • There MUST be preservation metadata at the package level in the preservation/premis.xml file.
  • There MUST be preservation metadata at the representation level in the preservation/premis.xml file.
  • Only the MD5 hashing algorithm is allowed to compute the fixity, thus:
    • The value of element premis:premis/premis:object[@xsi:type="premis:file"]/premis:objectCharacteristics/premis:fixity/premis:messageDigestAlgorithm MUST be set to MD5.
    • The value of attribute premis:premis/premis:object[@xsi:type="premis:file"]/premis:objectCharacteristics/premis:fixity/premis:messageDigestAlgorithm/@valueURI MUST be set to "".

Package METS

  • The csip:CONTENTINFORMATIONTYPE attribute MUST be set to OTHER and the csip:OTHERCONTENTINFORMATIONTYPE attribute MUST be set to
  • The TYPE attribute in the mets.xml file MUST be set to
    • Photographs - Digital (for 2D objects) or
    • Scanned 3D Objects (output from photogrammetry scanning) (for 3D objects).
  • The mets/dmdSec/mdRef/@MDTYPE attribute MUST be set to OTHER.

Descriptive Metadata

  • A descriptive metadata file descriptive/dc+schema.xml describing the IE MUST be present at the package level.
  • A descriptive metadata file descriptive/dc+schema.xml describing the representation MAY be present at the representation level (eg. to indicate diverting licenses).
  • Descriptive metadata in descriptive/dc+schema.xml MUST apply the DCTERMS metadata schema and MAY also apply the SCHEMA metadata schema (see below).
  • The DCTERMS metadata MUST follow the basic profile requirements regarding the use of elements and attributes.
  • The SCHEMA metadata in descriptive/dc+schema.xml MUST be limited to the elements and attributes outlined below.
  • Some descriptive metadata elements of datatype String MUST contain an attribute @xml:lang that indicates the language of the metadata element’s value (in order to, for example, specify a title or description in multiple languages); these are indicated with [@xml:lang=*] in the table below. Other elements MUST NOT contain this attribute.
  • The value of the @xml:lang attribute MUST be a valid IETF BCP 47 language tag(see here for a list).
Element metadata/schema:creator
Name Creator artwork
Description The creator/author of the digitally reproduced artwork.
Cardinality 0..*
Obligation MAY
Attribute metadata/schema:creator/@roleName
Name Role creator
Description The role with which the creator/author was involved in creating the digitally reproduced artwork.
Datatype String
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation SHOULD
Element metadata/schema:creator/schema:name
Name Name creator
Description The name of the creator.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element metadata/schema:creator/schema:birthDate
Name Birth date creator
Description The creator’s date of birth.
Datatype EDTF
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation MAY
Element metadata/schema:creator/schema:deathDate
Name Death date creator
Description The creator’s date of death.
Datatype EDTF
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation MAY
Element metadata/schema:height
Name Height artwork
Description The measured height of the physical artwork.
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation MAY
Element metadata/schema:width
Name Width artwork
Description The measure width of the physical artwork.
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation SHOULD
Element metadata/schema:depth
Name Depth artwork
Description The measured depth of the physical artwork.
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation SHOULD
Element metadata/schema:weight
Name Depth artwork
Description The measured weight of the physical artwork.
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation SHOULD
Element metadata/(schema:height|schema:width|schema:depth|schema:weight)/schema:value
Name Value
Description The height, width, depth, or weight measurement value.
Cardinality 1..1
Datatype Float
Obligation MUST
Element metadata/(schema:height|schema:width|schema:depth)/schema:unitCode
Name Unit Code
Description The unit of length measurement given using the UN/CEFACT Common Code (3 characters).
Vocabulary MMT, CMT, MTR
Datatype String
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation SHOULD
Element metadata/schema:weight/schema:unitCode
Name Unit Code
Description The unit of weight measurement given using the UN/CEFACT Common Code (3 characters), which MUST be set to KGM (kilograms).
Vocabulary KGM
Datatype String
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation SHOULD
Element metadata/(schema:height|schema:width|schema:depth)/schema:unitText
Name Unit Text
Description A string or text indicating the unit of the height or width measurement value. Useful if you cannot provide a standard unit code for schema:unitCode.
Vocabulary mm, cm, m
Datatype String
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation MUST
Element metadata/schema:weight/schema:unitText
Name Unit Text
Description A string or text indicating the unit of the weight measurement value, which MUST be set to kg (kilograms). Useful if you cannot provide a standard unit code for schema:unitCode.
Vocabulary kg
Datatype String
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation MUST
Element metadata/schema:artMedium[@xml:lang=*]
Name Art medium
Description The material used to create the physical artwork, e.g. Oil, Watercolour, Acrylic, Linoprint, Marble, Cyanotype, Digital, Lithograph, DryPoint, Intaglio, Pastel, Woodcut, Pencil, Mixed Media, etc. The applied language MUST be provided by a @xml:lang attribute (see requirements above). There MUST always be an entry in Dutch with @xml:lang set to nl.
Datatype String
Cardinality 0..*
Obligation MAY
Element metadata/schema:artform[@xml:lang=*]
Name Artform
Description The type of artform, e.g. Painting, Drawing, Sculpture, Print, Photograph, Assemblage, Collage, etc. The applied language MUST be provided by a @xml:lang attribute (see requirements above). There MUST always be an entry in Dutch with @xml:lang set to nl.
Datatype String
Cardinality 0..*
Obligation MAY
Element metadata/schema:isPartOf[@xsi:type=schema:Episode]
Name Is part of episode
Description Indicates an episode that this item is part of.
Cardinality 0..*
Obligation MAY
Element metadata/schema:isPartOf[@xsi:type=schema:Episode]/schema:name
Name Name episode
Description The name of the episode.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element metadata/schema:isPartOf[@xsi:type=schema:ArchiveComponent]
Name Is part of archive
Description Indicates an archive that this item is part of.
Cardinality 0..*
Obligation MAY
Element metadata/schema:isPartOf[@xsi:type=schema:ArchiveComponent]/schema:name
Name Name archive
Description The name of the archive.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element metadata/schema:isPartOf[@xsi:type=schema:CreativeWorkSeries]
Name Is part of series
Description Indicates a series that this item is part of.
Cardinality 0..*
Obligation MAY
Element metadata/schema:isPartOf[@xsi:type=schema:CreativeWorkSeries]/schema:name
Name Name series
Description The name of the series.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element metadata/schema:isPartOf[@xsi:type=schema:CreativeWorkSeries]/schema:position
Name Number series
Description The number of the series.
Datatype Integer
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation MAY
Element metadata/schema:isPartOf[@xsi:type=schema:CreativeWorkSeries]/schema:hasPart
Name Has subseries
Description Indicates a subseries that is part of this series.
Cardinality 0..*
Obligation MAY
Element metadata/schema:isPartOf[@xsi:type=schema:CreativeWorkSeries]/schema:hasPart/schema:name
Name Name subseries
Description The name of the subseries.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element metadata/schema:isPartOf[@xsi:type=schema:BroadcastEvent]
Name Is part of broadcast event
Description Indicates a broadcast that this item is part of.
Cardinality 0..*
Obligation MAY
Element metadata/schema:isPartOf[@xsi:type=schema:BroadcastEvent]/schema:name
Name Name broadcast event
Description The name of the broadcast.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element metadata/schema:isPartOf[@xsi:type=schema:CreativeWorkSeason]
Name Is part of season
Description Indicates a season that this item is part of.
Cardinality 0..*
Obligation MAY
Element metadata/schema:isPartOf[@xsi:type=schema:CreativeWorkSeason]/schema:name
Name Name season
Description The name of the season.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element metadata/schema:isPartOf[@xsi:type=schema:CreativeWorkSeason]/schema:seasonNumber
Name Number season
Description Position of the season within an ordered group of seasons.
Datatype Integer
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation MAY


The XML files that are required by this profile can be validated using the following XML schema definitions:

File Format XML Schema
mets.xml METS v1.12.1 mets.xsd
premis.xml PREMIS v3.0 premis-v3-0.xsd
dc+schema.xml Dublin Core with dc+schema.xsd (not yet available)

Use Cases

Some use cases that implement this profile are: