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Profile: Basic

The basic profile supports simple cases consisting of a single media file accompanied by limited metadata.


Example Directory structure

│── manifest-md5.txt
│── bagit.txt
└── data
    │── mets.xml
    │── metadata
    |   |── descriptive
    |   |   └── dc.xml
    |   └── preservation
    |       └── premis.xml
    └── representations
           │── mets.xml
           |  |──
           │  └── ...
                 └── premis.xml



  • There MUST be exactly one IE.
  • The IE MUST be represented by exactly one representation.
  • The representation MUST contain at least one file.
  • Preservation metadata MUST be limited to the PREMIS metadata schema.
  • There MUST be preservation metadata at the package level in the preservation/premis.xml file.
  • There MUST be preservation metadata at the representation level in the preservation/premis.xml file.
  • Only the MD5 hashing algorithm is allowed to compute the fixity, thus:
    • The value of element premis:premis/premis:object[@xsi:type="premis:file"]/premis:objectCharacteristics/premis:fixity/premis:messageDigestAlgorithm MUST be set to MD5.
    • The value of attribute premis:premis/premis:object[@xsi:type="premis:file"]/premis:objectCharacteristics/premis:fixity/premis:messageDigestAlgorithm/@valueURI MUST be set to "".

Package METS

  • The csip:CONTENTINFORMATIONTYPE attribute MUST be set to OTHER and the csip:OTHERCONTENTINFORMATIONTYPE attribute MUST be set to
  • The mets/dmdSec/mdRef/@MDTYPE attribute MUST be set to DC.

Descriptive metadata

  • There MUST NOT be any descriptive metadata at the representation level.
  • The /descriptive directory at the package level MUST contain exactly one metadata file dc*.xml that describes the IE.
  • The dc*.xml filename SHOULD apply the following naming convention: dc*.xml with * is any string of zero or more characters.
  • The dc*.xml file MUST only use the DCTERMS schema and MUST NOT use any other metadata schemas.
  • The dc*.xml file MUST use the <metadata/> tag as its root element.
  • The dc*.xml file MUST declare the (dcterms), (xsi) and (edtf) namespaces in its root element.
  • The dc*.xml file MUST declare as default namespace in its root element.
  • The dc*.xml file MUST be limited to the DCTERMS elements outlined in the table below.
  • The dc*.xml file MUST adhere to the restrictions on cardinality of terms outlined in the table below; if a term is not listed with a restriction on cardinality, it MAY be used multiple times.
  • The dc*.xml file MUST contain a shared ID with a PREMIS object in the preservation/premis.xml file, stored in the <dcterms:identifier> element (see next section).
  • The dc*.xml file MUST NOT contain additional IDs besides the shared ID in the <dcterms:identifier>; these MUST be added in the preservation/premis.xml file.
  • Some descriptive metadata elements of datatype String MUST contain an attribute @xml:lang that indicates the language of the metadata element’s value (in order to, for example, specify a title or description in multiple languages); these are indicated with [@xml:lang=*] in the table below. Other elements MUST NOT contain this attribute.
  • The value of the @xml:lang attribute MUST be a valid IETF BCP 47 language tag(see here for a list).

For elements that require the @xml:lang attribute, it is still necessary to supply an element with @xml:lang set to nl even if there is no Dutch content available (e.g., the original title is in English or French and no translation was ever made, or the title is the same in both languages). In that case, a title in another language can be copied as it it were Dutch.

Element metadata
Name DCTERMS root element
Description The root element for descriptive metadata in DCTERMS. This root element MUST declare the XML schema namespaces (dcterms), (xsi) and (edtf), and the default namespace
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element metadata/dcterms:title[@xml:lang=*]
Name Title
Description A name given to the Intellectual Entity.
The title term MAY only be used multiple times when it uses a different language. The applied language MUST be provided by a @xml:lang attribute (see requirements above). There MUST always be an entry in Dutch with @xml:lang set to nl.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element metadata/dcterms:alternative
Name Alternative title
Description An alternative to the main title given to the Intellectual Entity.
The alternative term MAY only be used multiple times when it uses a different language. The applied language MUST be provided by a @xml:lang attribute (see requirements above). There MUST always be an entry in Dutch with @xml:lang set to nl.
Datatype String
Cardinality 0..*
Obligation MAY
Element metadata/dcterms:identifier
Name Identifier
Description An unambiguous and unique reference to the Intellectual Entity/Entities present in the SIP.
This identifier MUST be used to establish a link between the dc*.xml file and the relevant PREMIS object in the preservation/premis.xml file.
Datatype ID
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element metadata/dcterms:extent
Name Duration
Description Duration in time of the Intellectual Entity.
Datatype XML Schema duration
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation MAY
Element metadata/dcterms:available
Name Available
Description The moment that the Intellectual Entity became available.
Datatype XML Schema datetime
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation MAY
Element metadata/dcterms:description[@xml:lang=*]
Name Description
Description An account of the Intellectual Entity.
The description term MAY only be used multiple times when it uses a different language. The applied language MUST be provided by a @xml:lang attribute (see requirements above). There MUST always be an entry in Dutch with @xml:lang set to nl.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element metadata/dcterms:abstract[@xml:lang=*]
Name Abstract
Description A long description of the Intellectual Entity.
The abstract term MAY only be used multiple times when it uses a different language. The applied language MUST be provided by a @xml:lang attribute (see requirements above). If the element is present, there MUST always be an entry in Dutch with @xml:lang set to nl.
Datatype String
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation MAY
Element metadata/dcterms:created
Name Creation date
Description Creation date of the Intellectual Entity.
Datatype EDTF
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element metadata/dcterms:issued
Name Date issued
Description Date of formal issuance of the Intellectual Entity.
Datatype EDTF
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation MAY
Element metadata/dcterms:publisher
Name Publisher
Description A publisher of the Intellectual Entity
Datatype String
Cardinality 0..*
Obligation MAY
Element metadata/dcterms:contributor
Name Contributor
Description A contributor to the Intellectual Entity
Datatype String
Cardinality 0..*
Obligation MAY
Element metadata/dcterms:creator
Name Creator
Description An author or creator of the Intellectual Entity
Datatype String
Cardinality 0..*
Obligation MAY
Element metadata/dcterms:spatial
Name Spatial
Description Spatial coverage information on the Intellectual Entity
Datatype String
Cardinality 0..*
Obligation MAY
Element metadata/dcterms:temporal
Name Temporal
Description Temporal coverage information on the Intellectual Entity
Datatype String
Cardinality 0..*
Obligation MAY
Element metadata/dcterms:subject[@xml:lang=*]
Name Subject
Description Subjects or keywords related to the Intellectual Entity.
If the element is present, the applied language MUST be provided by a @xml:lang attribute (see requirements above) and there MUST always be an entry in Dutch with @xml:lang set to nl.
Datatype String
Cardinality 0..*
Obligation SHOULD
Element metadata/dcterms:language
Name Language
Description The language that the Intellectual Entity is in.
Datatype BCP47
Cardinality 0..*
Obligation SHOULD
Element metadata/dcterms:license
Name License
Description A legal document giving official permission to meemoo, end users of the meemoo platforms, or any other user, to do something with the Intellectual Entity.
Datatype String
Cardinality 0..*
Obligation SHOULD
Element metadata/dcterms:rightsHolder
Name Rights holder
Description The person or ogranization that holds the copyright to the Intellectual Entity.
Datatype String
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation SHOULD
Element metadata/dcterms:rights
Name Rights
Description A copyright notice on the Intellectual Entity. The rights term MAY only be used multiple times when it uses a different language. The applied language MUST be provided by a @xml:lang attribute (see requirements above). If the element is present, there MUST always be an entry in Dutch with @xml:lang set to nl.
Datatype String
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation SHOULD
Element metadata/dcterms:type
Name Type
Description The classification of this Intellectual Entity .
Datatype String
Cardinality 0..*
Obligation MAY


The XML files that are required by this profile can be validated using the following XML schema definitions:

File Format XML Schema
mets.xml METS v1.12.1 mets.xsd
premis.xml PREMIS v3.0 premis-v3-0.xsd
dc*.xml Dublin Core (custom schema) dc_basic.xsd
depends on: edtf.xsd, dcterms.xsd, dcmitype.xsd, dc.xsd

Connecting the descriptive metadata to PREMIS

The dc*.xml file at the package-level contains descriptive metadata about the IE(s) of the SIP. It relies on the DCTERMS schema in order to facilitate a basic description with a limited number of descriptive metadata elements.

There is a link present between each dc*.xml file and the PREMIS Intellectual Entity in the preservation/premis.xml file via a shared ID. This shared ID is stored in the <dcterms:identifier> element of each dc*.xml file and in a <premis:objectIdentifier> element of each PREMIS object in the preservation/premis.xml file.

Please note that additional IDs must be dealt with in the preservation/premis.xml file via <premis:objectIdentifier> elements in which the type of ID is specified using the <premis:objectIdentifierType> element.


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<metadata xmlns="" 

  <!-- general title for the resource -->
  <dcterms:title xml:lang="nl">Felis Catus Flamens</dcterms:title>

  <!-- linking id between dc and premis -->

  <!-- date unknown -->
  <dcterms:created xsi:type="edtf:EDTF-level1">XXXX</dcterms:created>

  <!-- multiple keywords about the resource -->
  <dcterms:subject xml:lang="nl">Cat</dcterms:subject>
  <dcterms:subject xml:lang="nl">Felis Catus Flamens</dcterms:subject>


Use Cases

Some use cases that implement this profile are: