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Editor’s Draft

Profile: Film

The film profile supports the ingest of digitised film stored on one or more image and/or audio reels. This profile dictates how the media files (in file formats such as MKV, MOV, JPEG and PDF), their metadata, and the relationships between them, should be expressed and organized.

It mainly applies the DCTERMS metadata schema for descriptive metadata and allows extensions using, thereby resembling the Basic profile.

Its additions lie in the introduction of a separate PREMIS representation to denote the physical carrier(s) (a so-called ‘carrier representation’) and custom film-specific metadata (using <premis:significantProperties> elements in the package PREMIS file) to describe physical aspects of this/these carrier(s).

This carrier representation was added to facilitate the description of the physical carrier(s), since the PREMIS metadata schema itself doesn’t offer this possibility directly. Please note that, as a result, the carrier representation as such is not reflected by a representation folder in the representations directory, given that it is used purely for the addition of descriptive metadata about the carrier(s) and does not contain any files itself.


Example Directory structure

├── METS.xml
├── metadata
│   ├── descriptive
│   │   └── dc+schema.xml                               # descriptive metadata about the content of the film
│   └── preservation
│       └── premis.xml                                  # package PREMIS
└── representations
    ├── representation_1
    │   ├── METS.xml
    │   ├── data
    │   │   └── master.mkv                              # archive master
    │   └── metadata
    │       └── preservation
    │           └── premis.xml
    ├── representation_2
    │   ├── METS.xml
    │   ├── data
    │   │   └──                           # mezzanine
    │   └── metadata
    │       └── preservation
    │           └── premis.xml
    ├── representation_3
    │   ├── METS.xml
    │   ├── data
    │   │   └── scan.jpeg                               # scan(s) of the reel's container (if present) in JPEG
    │   └── metadata
    │       └── preservation
    │           └── premis.xml
    └── representation_4
        ├── METS.xml
        ├── data
        │   └── scan.pdf                                # scan(s) of the reel's container (if present) in PDF
        └── metadata
            └── preservation
                └── premis.xml



  • A SIP MUST contain content of exactly one digitised film, consisting of one or more image and/or audio reels.
  • Each MKV, MOV, or set of scans (either in JPG and/or in PDF) contained in their respective representation directories MUST represent exactly one image or audio reel.
  • There MUST be exactly one IE present in the SIP, i.e. the digitised film.
  • There MUST be preservation metadata at the package level in the preservation/premis.xml file.
  • There MUST be preservation metadata at the representation level in the respective preservation/premis.xml files.
  • Preservation metadata in the SIP MUST be limited to the PREMIS metadata schema.
  • Fixity MUST be calculated using the MD5 hashing algorithm, thus:
    • The value of element premis:premis/premis:object[@xsi:type="premis:file"]/premis:objectCharacteristics/premis:fixity/premis:messageDigestAlgorithm MUST be set to MD5.
    • The value of attribute premis:premis/premis:object[@xsi:type="premis:file"]/premis:objectCharacteristics/premis:fixity/premis:messageDigestAlgorithm/@valueURI MUST be set to "".
    • The value of all //*/@CHECKSUMTYPE attributes in the METS.xml files MUST be set to MD5.
  • Descriptive metadata about the IE MUST be specified at the package level in the dc+schema.xml file.
  • Descriptive metadata about the carrier(s) (i.e. the reel(s)) MUST be specified at the package level in the preservation/premis.xml file.

Package METS

  • The /mets/@TYPE attribute MUST be set to Video – File-based and Physical Media.
  • The csip:CONTENTINFORMATIONTYPE attribute MUST be set to OTHER and the csip:OTHERCONTENTINFORMATIONTYPE attribute MUST be set to
  • The mets/dmdSec/mdRef/@MDTYPE attribute MUST be set to OTHER and the mets/dmdSec/mdRef/@OTHERMDTYPE MUST be set to dc+schema.

Package Descriptive Metadata

  • A descriptive metadata file descriptive/dc+schema.xml describing the IE MUST be present at the package level.
  • Descriptive metadata in the descriptive/dc+schema.xml MUST be limited to the DCTERMS and SCHEMA elements outlined in the basic profile.
  • The DCTERMS and SCHEMA metadata in the descriptive/dc+schema.xml file MUST follow the basic profile requirements regarding the use of elements and attributes.

Package Preservation Metadata

The addition of a separate PREMIS representation for the carrier(s) (i.e. the carrier representation) leads to a number of additional requirements in the package premis.xml file. The section below outlines the high level requirements, while the section Describing a carrier within the carrier representation contains a more detailed discussion of the possibilities offered by the carrier representation, divided into a general intro and a normative summary of requirements.

  • The following relationships MUST be present between the <premis:object> of the intellectual entity and that of the carrier representation (see also Overview of relevant PREMIS relationships for more information):
    • A structural <premis:relationship> of type ‘is represented by’;
    • A structural <premis:relationship> of type ‘represents’.

Example 1: an example <premis:object> of a carrier representation together the relationships between the Intellectual Entity and the carrier representation

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<premis:premis version="3.0" xmlns:xsi=""
    xmlns:premis="" xmlns:haObj=""

    <!-- IE for the film as a whole -->


        <!-- relationship between the IE and its carrier representation -->
            <premis:relationshipType authority="relationshipType"
            <premis:relationshipSubType authority="relationshipSubType"


    <!-- PREMIS object for the carrier representation itself -->
    <premis:object xsi:type="premis:representation">


        <!-- relationship between the carrier representation and its IE -->
            <premis:relationshipType authority="relationshipType"
            <premis:relationshipSubType authority="relationshipSubType"



Describing a carrier within the carrier representation


The carrier representation lends itself to the addition of descriptive metadata about the carriers themselves. This can be achieved by using <premis:significantProperties> elements nested inside of the <premis:object> of the carrier representation. In turn each of these elements consists of a <premis:significantPropertiesType> element (for the metadata field name) and a <premis:significantPropertiesValue> element (for the metadata field value). As a result, each <premis:significantProperties> element contains exactly one descriptive metadata about a carrier (e.g. its material type, its film base etc.).

In addition to the use outlined above, we require that a carrier representation specifies the carrier type of each digitised reel the SIP contains. These carrier types are located in separate <premis:storage> elements that each contain exactly one <premis:storageMedium> element. It is currently impossible to add other descriptive metadata at this finer grained level, meaning that other descriptive metadata about the reels must be added via the construction in the previous paragraph.

Finally, the carrier representation is also used in relevant events related to the handling of the real-life, physical carrier (e.g. registration, check-out, digitization…).

Example 2: hierarchical listing of a package premis.xml file with an Intellectual Entity and a Carrier Representation consisting of 2 pieces of descriptive metadata and the carrier type of its two reels

├── premis:object xsi:type="premis:intellectualEntity"    # Intellectual Entity
└── premis:object xsi:type="premis:representation"        # Carrier Representation
    ├── premis:significantProperties                      # Descriptive metadata
    │   ├── premis:significantPropertiesType
    │   └── premis:significantPropertiesValue
    ├── premis:significantProperties                      # Descriptive metadata
    │   ├── premis:significantPropertiesType
    │   └── premis:significantPropertiesValue
    ├── premis:storage                                    # Carrier type of reel 1
    │   └── premis:storageMedium
    └── premis:storage                                    # Carrier type of reel 2
        └── premis:storageMedium
Normative summary
  • There MUST be a carrier representation in the package premis.xml, reflected by amis:object>;
  • Any descriptive metadata about the physical film’s reel(s) MUST be included as part of the carrier representation <premis:object>;
  • Any descriptive metadata in the carrier representation <premis:object> MUST be placed in separate <premis:significantProperties> elements;
  • Each <premis:significantProperties> element MUST contain a <premis:significantPropertiesType> element (for the metadata field name) and a <premis:significantPropertiesValue> element (for the metadata field value);
  • Each digitized reel in the SIP MUST be reflected in the carrier representation <premis:object> by using separate <premis:storageMedium> elements;
  • Each <premis:storageMedium> element MUST contain a <premis:storage> element with the specific carrier type of a reel;
  • Any events related to the handling of the real-life, physical carrier(s) MUST refer to the carrier representation <premis:object> with a <premis:linkingObjectIdentifier> element (see Adding provenance of representations;

Example 4 below contains an illustration of a simplified carrier representation (preceded by its intellectual entity) and a registration event involving the carrier representation in the package premis.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<premis:premis version="3.0" xmlns:xsi=""
    xmlns:premis="" xmlns:haObj=""

    <!-- IE for the film as a whole -->


        <!-- relationship between the IE and its carrier representation -->
            <premis:relationshipType authority="relationshipType"
            <premis:relationshipSubType authority="relationshipSubType"


    <!-- PREMIS object for the carrier representation itself -->
    <premis:object xsi:type="premis:representation">


        <!-- descriptive metadata in several <premis:significantProperties> elements -->
            <premis:significantPropertiesValue>Original positive</premis:significantPropertiesValue>

        <!-- indication of the carrier type -->

        <!-- relationship between the carrier representation and its IE -->
            <premis:relationshipType authority="relationshipType"
            <premis:relationshipSubType authority="relationshipSubType"


    <!-- registration event -->


        <premis:eventType valueURI="">
            <premis:eventDetail>Base Scratching remarks: Light scratches, lines and stripes. Some cables. vinegar date: 2021-06-30 pH value:PH 4.8</premis:eventDetail>
            <premis:eventDetailExtension xmlns:schema="">
            <premis:eventDetailExtension xmlns:schema="">
            <premis:eventDetailExtension xmlns:schema="">
                <schema:value>film in good state</schema:value>


        <!-- reference to the premis:Representation object of the carrier representation -->



The XML files that are required by this profile can be validated using the following XML schema definitions:

File Format XML Schema
METS.xml METS v1.12.1 mets.xsd
premis.xml PREMIS v3.0 premis-v3-0.xsd
dc+schema.xml Dublin Core with dc+schema.xsd (not yet available)

Use Cases

Some use cases that implement this profile are: