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Profile: Newspaper

The newspaper profile supports the ingest of digitised newspaper content. It shows how to deal with multiple media files (in formats such as TIFF, ALTO XML and PDF) and the relationships between them and their metadata. It also allows to use the MODS metadata schema for descriptive metadata, which is the default for describing newspaper content.


Example Directory structure

    |   |──descriptive      (at least one of both files must be present)
    |   |  └──dc.xml 
    |   |  └──mods.xml
    |   └──preservation
    |       └──premis.xml
        │    │──mets.xml
        │    │──data
        │    |   |──file_1.tiff
        │    │   └──...
        │    │
        │    └──metadata
        │        └──preservation
        │            └──premis.xml
        │    │──mets.xml
        │    │──data
        │    |   |──file_1.xml
        │    │   └──...
        │    │
        │    └──metadata
        │       └──preservation
        │          └──premis.xml
            |  └── file_1.pdf
                  └── premis.xml



  • A newspaper SIP MUST contain exactly one newspaper edition.
  • The newspaper edition MUST be digitised per page, i.e. each TIFF and/or ALTO XML file contained in their respective representation directories MUST represent exactly one page.
    • An exception to this requirement MAY be made with regards to a PDF file: it is RECOMMENDED to only use a single PDF that contains the contents of the entire newspaper edition (i.e. all pages are present in one single PDF file).
  • There MUST be exactly one IE present in the SIP, i.e. the newspaper edition.
  • There MUST be preservation metadata at the package level in the preservation/premis.xml file.
  • There MUST be preservation metadata at the representation level in the respective preservation/premis.xml files.
  • Preservation metadata in the SIP MUST be limited to the PREMIS metadata schema.
  • Only the MD5 hashing algorithm is allowed to compute the fixity, thus:
    • The value of element premis:premis/premis:object[@xsi:type="premis:file"]/premis:objectCharacteristics/premis:fixity/premis:messageDigestAlgorithm MUST be set to MD5.
    • The value of attribute premis:premis/premis:object[@xsi:type="premis:file"]/premis:objectCharacteristics/premis:fixity/premis:messageDigestAlgorithm/@valueURI MUST be set to "".
  • There MAY be descriptive metadata at the representation level (e.g. information about the representations, such as a title or a description).

Package METS

  • The csip:CONTENTINFORMATIONTYPE attribute MUST be set to OTHER and the csip:OTHERCONTENTINFORMATIONTYPE attribute MUST be set to
  • The mets/dmdSec/mdRef/@MDTYPE attribute MUST be set to DC or MODS.

Package Descriptive Metadata

  • Either a descriptive/mods.xml or a descriptive/dc.xml descriptive metadata file MUST be present at the package level. In case they both occur, the descriptive/dc.xml file is ignored.
  • The descriptive/dc.xml file MUST follow the DCTERMS metadata schema in accordance with the basic profile requirements.
  • The descriptive/mods.xml file MUST follow the MODS metadata schema (v3.7.).
  • The descriptive/mods.xml file MUST contain a shared identifier with the preservation/premis.xml to indicate which PREMIS object is being described in the descriptive/mods.xml file.
  • The MODS metadata in descriptive/mods.xml MUST be limited to the elements and attributes outlined below.
Element mods:mods
Name MODS root element
Description This root element MUST contain the XML schema namespace of MODS.
It MUST NOT contain any other XML schema namespaces besides MODS.
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mods:mods/@version
Name MODS version attribute
Description This attribute indicates which version of MODS is being used.
It MUST be set to 3.7 to indicate conformance with MODS v3.7.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element mods:mods/mods:titleInfo[not(@*)]/mods:title
Name MODS title element
Description This element contains the title of the newspaper.
Its parent element (<mods:titleInfo/>) MUST NOT contain any attributes in order to differentiate from other optional <mods:titleInfo/> elements which, if present, MUST contain @type attributes to indicate e.g. alternative titles for the newspaper.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element mods:mods/mods:identifier[not(@*)]
Name MODS identifier element
Description A unique identifier for the newspaper edition.
This identifier MUST be shared with the relevant PREMIS object in the preservation/premis.xml file.
This metadata element MUST NOT contain any attributes.
Datatype ID
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element mods:mods/mods:typeOfResource
Name MODS type of resource element
Description This element indicates which type of resource is being described. Its value MUST be set to newspaper edition.
Datatype String
Vocabulary newspaper edition
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element mods:mods/mods:abstract
Name MODS abstract element
Description This element contains a summary of the content of the newspaper.
Datatype String
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation SHOULD
Element mods:mods/mods:genre
Name MODS genre element
Description This element contains a term or terms that designate a category characterizing a particular style, form, or content of the newspaper edition, such as artistic, musical, literary composition, etc.
Datatype String
Cardinality 0..*
Obligation SHOULD
Element mods:mods/mods:subject/mods:topic
Name A term or phrase representing the primary topic(s) on which the newspaper is focused.
Description This element contains a summary of the content of the newspaper.
Datatype String
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation MAY
Element mods:mods/mods:name[@type="personal"]
Name Name of a person
Description The name of a person associated with the newspaper.
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation SHOULD
Element mods:mods/mods:name[@type="personal"]/namePart[@type="family"]
Name Family name of a person
Description The family name of a person associated with the newspaper.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element mods:mods/mods:name[@type="personal"]/namePart[@type="given"]
Name Given name of a person
Description The given name of a person associated with the newspaper.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element mods:mods/mods:name[@type="personal"]/role/roleTerm[@type="text"]
Name Role of a person
Description Designates the relationship (role) of the person to the newspaper.
Datatype String
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation MAY
Element mods:mods/mods:originInfo/mods:dateCreated[@encoding="edtf"]
Name MODS creation date element
Description This element contains the date the newspaper edition was created. Its value MUST be EDTF-compliant, as indicated by the @encoding attribute which MUST be set to edtf.
Datatype EDTF
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element mods:mods/mods:originInfo/mods:dateIssued[@encoding="edtf"]
Name MODS issuance date element
Description This element contains the date the newspaper edition was issued. Its value MUST be EDTF-compliant, as indicated by the @encoding attribute which MUST be set to edtf.
Datatype EDTF
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Element mods:mods/mods:originInfo/mods:issuance
Name MODS issuance element
Description This element contains a term that designates how the newspaper edition was issued.
Datatype String
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation MAY
Element mods:mods/mods:originInfo/mods:place
Name MODS place element
Description This element contains the place the newspaper edition was issued.
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation MAY
Element mods:mods/mods:originInfo/mods:place/mods:placeTerm[@type="text"]
Name MODS place term text element
Description This element is used to express place in a textual form.
Datatype String
Cardinality 0..*
Obligation SHOULD
Element mods:mods/mods:originInfo/mods:place/mods:placeTerm[@type="code"]
Name MODS place term code element
Description This element is used to express place in a coded form.
Datatype String
Cardinality 0..*
Obligation SHOULD
Element mods:mods/mods:physicalDescription
Name MODS physical description element
Description This element is used to express physical characteristics of the newspaper edition.
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation MAY
Element mods:mods/mods:physicalDescription/mods:extent[@unit="pages"]
Name MODS extent element
Description This element is used to express the number of pages in the newspaper edition.
Datatype String
Cardinality 0..*
Obligation MAY
Element mods:mods/mods:physicalDescription/mods:extent[@unit="cm"]
Name MODS extent element
Description This element is used to express the physical size of the newspaper edition in centimeters. Th value MUST be in the form W X H.
Datatype String
Cardinality 0..*
Obligation MAY
Element mods:mods/mods:physicalDescription/mods:form
Name MODS form element
Description This element denotes a particular physical presentation of the newspaper edition, including the physical form, medium or material.
Datatype String
Cardinality 0..*
Obligation MAY
Attribute mods:mods/(mods:genre|mods:mods/mods:originInfo/mods:place/mods:placeTerm[@type="code"]|mods:physicalDescription/mods:form)/@authority
Name MODS authority attribute
Description The name of an authoritative list of terms whose values are controlled.
Datatype String
Cardinality 1..1
Obligation MUST
Attribute mods:mods/(mods:genre|mods:mods/mods:originInfo/mods:place/mods:placeTerm[@type="code"]|mods:physicalDescription/mods:form)/@authorityURI
Name MODS authority uri attribute
Description The URI for the authoritative list (as described above for @authority).
Datatype URI
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation SHOULD
Element mods:mods/mods:relatedItem[@type="series"]/mods:identifier[@type="abraham_id"]
Name Abraham ID
Description This element contains the Abraham identifier taken from the Abraham Belgian Newspaper Catalog. Note that an Abraham identifier refers to newspaper titles rather than newspaper editions; multiple editions can therefore share the same Abraham identifier.

This element MUST contain the @type attribute, with its value set to abraham_id. The @type attribute of its parent element (i.e. <mets:relatedItem/>) MUST be set to series.
Datatype ID
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation SHOULD
Element mods:mods/mods:relatedItem[@type="series"]/mods:identifier[@type="abraham_uri"]
Name Abraham URI
Description This element contains the Abraham URI taken from the Abraham Belgian Newspaper Catalog. Note that an Abraham URI refers to newspaper titles rather than newspaper editions; multiple editions can therefore share the same Abraham URI.

This element MUST contain the @type attribute, with its value set to abraham_uri. The @type attribute of its parent element (i.e. <mets:relatedItem/>) MUST be set to series. Note that the Abraham URI contains the Abraham identifier.
Datatype URI
Cardinality 0..1
Obligation SHOULD
Element mods:mods/mods:note[@type="license"]
Name License element
Description This element MAY be used to add any licensing info needed. It MUST contain the @type attribute, with its value set to license.
Datatype String
Cardinality 0..*
Obligation MAY

Package Preservation Metadata

  • A preservation metadata file preservation/premis.xml MUST be present at the package level.
  • The preservation/premis.xml file MUST follow the PREMIS metadata schema (v3.0.).
  • If the SIP contains ALTO XML files, the preservation/premis.xml file MUST contain a PREMIS event of type transcription to link the TIFF and ALTO XML files. With this event, the representation containing the TIFF files MUST receive the PREMIS linking object role source and the representation containing the ALTO XML files MUST receive the PREMIS linking object role outcome. See the section about PREMIS events and example 1 below for more information about the structure of PREMIS events.
  • If the SIP contains a PDF file (which SHOULD contain all pages of the newspaper edition, cf. supra, the preservation/premis.xml file MUST contain a PREMIS event of type creation to link the TIFF and ALTO XML files to the PDF file. With this event, the two representations containing the TIFF and the ALTO XML files MUST receive the PREMIS linking object role source and the representation containing the PDF file MUST receive the PREMIS linking object role outcome. See the section about PREMIS events and example 1 below for more information about the structure of PREMIS events.

Example 1: a PREMIS transcription event (linking the TIFF and ALTO XML files)

<premis:premis version="3.0" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:premis="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

            <premis:eventDetail>Generate ALTO XML from TIFF via OCR</premis:eventDetail>



Example 2: a PREMIS creation event (linking the TIFF, ALTO XML and PDF files)

<premis:premis version="3.0" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:premis="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

            <premis:eventDetail>Generate PDF from ALTO XML and TIFF</premis:eventDetail>


Representation METS

  • If the files in a representation each correspond with a single page (e.g. the TIFF and ALTO XML files, since each of these files MUST correspond to a single page), the corresponding <div/> elements in the structural map MUST contain an @ORDER attribute that indicates the sequence of the pages of the newspaper edition. Additionally, each <div/> element that corresponds to a file representing a page MUST have a @TYPE attribute that is set to page. See example 3 below for more information.

Example 3: the structural map of a representation METS, with @TYPE and @ORDER attributes

<mets xmlns="" xmlns:csip=""  xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xlink="" OBJID="representation_1" TYPE="Textual works - Print" PROFILE="" xsi:schemaLocation=" ">
    <structMap ID="uuid-04647bb4-f524-435b-b4bf-5fe7a926b9d4" TYPE="PHYSICAL" LABEL="CSIP">
        <div ID="uuid-74e4335c-1d24-42bc-bbd0-864bd216d99c" LABEL="representation_1">
            <div ID="uuid-60d4a0db-769c-42a9-8ef8-c395bb555803" LABEL="Metadata">
                <div ID="uuid-e96b8688-e811-4dd8-83dc-81ae263b9c2a" LABEL="preservation">
                    <fptr FILEID="uuid-4482555d-aed7-4066-a211-44429a60a49a" />
            <!-- order attributes for page order -->
            <div ID="uuid-41bacec1-1d6c-467a-8020-7114115562a8" LABEL="Representations">
                <div ID="uuid-47e52361-8508-4ae1-ad8c-0e1f5382065e" TYPE="page" ORDER="1">
                    <fptr FILEID="uuid-9850cb03-b1fd-4661-a4fb-e3dfcf25e9e5" />
                <div ID="uuid-47e52361-8508-4ae1-ad8c-0e1f5382065e" TYPE="page" ORDER="2">
                    <fptr FILEID="uuid-3309e853-bf0f-4d19-ae6a-5e14911e3662" />
                <div ID="uuid-eebd6f2a-f06e-4c5f-9c52-fd58e784eaff" TYPE="page" ORDER="3">
                    <fptr FILEID="uuid-4ef96979-4abf-4af0-8156-d04fdd2ff7c3" />


Representation Preservation Metadata

  • If ALTO XML files are present in the SIP, the preservation/premis.xml files of the representation containing the TIFF files and of the representation containing the ALTO XML files MUST contain a PREMIS relationship to establish a link between the two.
    • In the case of the representation with the TIFF files, this PREMIS relationship MUST be of type derivation and of subtype is source of. The @valueURI attribute of the <premis:relationshipType> element MUST be set to The @valueURI attribute of the <premis:relationshipSubType> element MUST be set to Finally, a <premis:relatedEventIdentifier/> element MUST be present that refers to the relevant event (in this case a transcription event) defined in the preservation/premis.xml file of the package level. This is shown in example 4 below.
    • In the case of the representation with the ALTO XML files, this PREMIS relationship MUST be of type derivation and of subtype has source. The @valueURI attribute of the <premis:relationshipType> element MUST be set to The @valueURI attribute of the <premis:relationshipSubType> element MUST be set to Finally, a <premis:relatedEventIdentifier/> element MUST be present that refers to the relevant event (in this case a transcription event) defined in the preservation/premis.xml file of the package level. This is shown in example 5 below.
  • If a PDF file is present in the SIP, the preservation/premis.xml files of all three representations (i.e. of the TIFF files, of the ALTO XML file and of the PDF file) MUST contain a PREMIS relationship to establish a link between the three.
    • In the case of the representations with the TIFF and ALTO XML files, this PREMIS relationship MUST be of type derivation and of subtype is source of. The @valueURI attribute of the <premis:relationshipType> element MUST be set to The @valueURI attribute of the <premis:relationshipSubType> element MUST be set to Finally, a <premis:relatedEventIdentifier/> element MUST be present that refers to the relevant event (in this case a transcription event) defined in the preservation/premis.xml file of the package level. This is similar to example 4 shown below.
    • In the case of the representation with the PDF file, this PREMIS relationship MUST be of type derivation and of subtype has source. The @valueURI attribute of the <premis:relationshipType> element MUST be set to The @valueURI attribute of the <premis:relationshipSubType> element MUST be set to Finally, a <premis:relatedEventIdentifier/> element MUST be present that refers to the relevant event (in this case a transcription event) defined in the preservation/premis.xml file of the package level. This is similar to example 5 below, the difference being that the relationship will mostly entail multiple <premis:relatedObjectIdentifier/> elements since the PDF is derived from all TIFF and ALTO XML files together.

Example 4: a PREMIS is source of relationship

<premis:premis version="3.0" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:premis="" xsi:schemaLocation="">


        <premis:relationshipType authority="relationshipType" authorityURI="" valueURI="">derivation</premis:relationshipType>
        <premis:relationshipSubType authority="relationshipSubType" authorityURI="" valueURI="">is source of</premis:relationshipSubType>



Example 5: a PREMIS has source relationship

<premis:premis version="3.0" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:premis="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

        <premis:relationshipType authority="relationshipType" authorityURI="" valueURI="">derivation</premis:relationshipType>
        <premis:relationshipSubType authority="relationshipSubType" authorityURI="" valueURI="">has source</premis:relationshipSubType>



The XML files that are required by this profile can be validated using the following XML schema definitions:

File Format XML Schema
mets.xml METS v1.12.1 mets.xsd
premis.xml PREMIS v3.0 premis-v3-0.xsd
mods.xml MODS v3.8 mods-3-8.xsd
dc.xml (if no MODS) Dublin Core (custom schema) dc_basic.xsd
depends on: edtf.xsd, dcterms.xsd, dcmitype.xsd, dc.xsd

Use Cases

Some use cases that implement this profile are: