Data model Events
Version: 1.0.0
Previous version: 0.0.1
Created: 2022-06-08
Last modified: 2025-02-13
SHACL file: events.shacl.ttl
Authors: Milan Valadou , Miel Vander Sande , Lennert Van de Velde
Data model to describe events.
Classes & Properties
Classes: Brand | Activity | Event | Hardware agent | Object | Organization
Brand (schema:Brand)
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
name (schema:name) | The name of the item. | 1..1 | rdf:langString |
Activity (prov:Activity)
Subclasses: Event
An activity is something that occurs over a period of time and acts upon or with entities; it may include consuming, processing, transforming, modifying, relocating, using, or generating entities.
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
has end date (prov:endedAtTime) | The end date of the activity. | 1..1 | xsd:dateTime |
has generated (prov:generated) | The generated object. | 0..1 | IRI |
has start date (prov:startedAtTime) | The start date of the activity. | 1..1 | xsd:dateTime |
was associated with (prov:wasAssociatedWith) | An prov:Agent that had some (unspecified) responsibility for the occurrence of this prov:Activity . | 1..1 | Person |
Event (premis:Event)
Subclass of: Activity
Action performed within or outside the repository that affects its capability to preserve Objects over the long term.
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
executed by (evtAgRole:exe) | The software that executed the event. | 0..1 | Software agent |
has note (premis:note) | A note about the event. | 0..1 | xsd:string |
has outcome (premis:outcome) | The outcome status of the event. | 0..1 | Outcome status Possible values: evtOutcome:fai , evtOutcome:suc , evtOutcome:war |
has outcome note (premis:outcomeNote) | A note about the outcome of the event. | 0..1 | xsd:string |
has source (evtObjRole:sou) | The object that was used as a source for the event. | 0..* | Object |
implemented by (evtAgRole:imp) | The organization that implemented the event. | 1..1 | Organization |
instrument (schema:instrument) | The hardware that was used to execute the event. | 0..* | Hardware agent |
result (evtObjRole:out) | The object that was generated by the event. | 0..* | Object |
Properties from Activity: has end date, has generated, has start date, was associated with
Hardware agent (premis:HardwareAgent)
Subclass of: Agent
Hardware agent (e.g., a computer) that is associated with one or more Events and/or Rights statement associated with a digital object.
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
brand (schema:brand) | The particular brand of the Agent. | 0..1 | Brand |
model (schema:model) | The particular model of the Agent. | 0..1 | xsd:string |
name (schema:name) | The name of the item. | 1..1 | rdf:langString |
serialNumber (schema:serialNumber) | The serial number or any alphanumeric identifier of a particular agent. | 0..1 | xsd:string |
version (schema:version) | The agent’s version number or version name. | 0..1 | xsd:string |
Object (premis:Object)
Subclass of: Entity
Subclasses: File , Intellectual entity , Representation
Discrete unit of information subject to digital preservation. Subclasses of Object are Intellectual Entity, Representation, File and Bitstream.
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
was generated by (prov:wasGeneratedBy) | The time at which the object was completely created and is available for use. | 0..1 | Event |
Outcome status (premis:OutcomeStatus)
Overall result of the Event in terms of success, partial success, or failure.
Software agent (premis:SoftwareAgent)
Subclass of: Agent
Software agent (e.g., a computer program) that is associated with one or more Event and/or Rights statement associated with a digital object.
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
brand (schema:brand) | The particular brand of the Agent. | 0..1 | Brand |
model (schema:model) | The particular model of the Agent. | 0..1 | xsd:string |
name (schema:name) | The name of the item. | 1..1 | rdf:langString |
serialNumber (schema:serialNumber) | The serial number or any alphanumeric identifier of a particular agent. | 0..1 | xsd:string |
version (schema:version) | The agent’s version number or version name. | 0..1 | xsd:string |