Data model Description
Version: 1.0.0
Previous version: 0.0.1
Created: 2022-01-07
Last modified: 2025-02-13
SHACL file: description.shacl.ttl
Authors: Lennert Van de Velde , Miel Vander Sande , Milan Valadou
Data model to describe the content of objects.
Classes & Properties
Classes: MediaFragment | ClosedCaptioning | Brand
MediaFragment (ebucore:MediaFragment)
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
end time (schema:endTime) | The time at which the fragment stops. | 0..1 | xsd:time |
height (ebucore:height) | The height of e.g. a video frame typically expressed as a number of pixels, or picture/image in millimeters. | 0..1 | xsd:integer |
is Media Fragment Of (ebucore:isMediaFragmentOf) | The file of which this is a fragment. | 0..* | File |
region delimiter (x-axis) (ebucore:regionDelimX) | To define the top left corner of a zone on the x-axis. | 0..1 | xsd:integer |
region delimiter (y-axis) (ebucore:regionDelimY) | To define the top left corner of a zone on the y-axis. | 0..1 | xsd:integer |
start time (schema:startTime) | The time at which the fragment starts. | 0..1 | xsd:time |
width (ebucore:width) | The width of e.g. a video frame typically expressed as a number of pixels, or picture/image in millimeters. | 0..1 | xsd:integer |
ClosedCaptioning (ebucore:ClosedCaptioning)
Annotation (ebucore:Annotation)
Subclasses: Text Annotation
A class used to annotate Assets.
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
annotates (ebucore:isAnnotatedMediaResource) | The media fragment that is linked to this Annotation. | 1..* | MediaFragment |
annotation person subject (ebucore:hasAnnotationRelatedAgent) | The subject (person) of the Annotation. | 0..1 | IRI |
annotation confidence (ebucore:annotationConfidence) | Number to estimate the confidence in the Annotation. | 1..1 | xsd:integer |
annotation subject (ebucore:hasAnnotationRelatedArtefact) | The subject of the Annotation. | 1..1 | IRI |
annotation target (ebucore:hasAnnotationTarget) | To define the target file to which the Annotation applies. | 1..1 | File |
annotation type (ebucore:annotationType) | To define a type of Annotation, such as a recognized face or Named Entity. | 0..1 | Concept |
Archive component (schema:ArchiveComponent)
Subclass of: Creative work
An intangible type to be applied to any archive content, carrying with it a set of properties required to describe archival items and collections.
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
description (schema:description) | A description of the item. | 0..* 1 | rdf:langString |
has part (schema:hasPart) | Indicates an IntellectualEntity or CreativeWork that is part of this archive component. | 0..* | Intellectual entity or Archive component |
is part of (schema:isPartOf) | Indicates an item or CreativeWork that this item, or CreativeWork (in some sense), is part of. | 0..* | Archive component |
name (schema:name) | The name of the item. | 1..* 1 | rdf:langString |
Carrier representation (haObj:CarrierRepresentation)
Subclass of: Representation
A physical or digital representation of an archived intellectual entity that is stored on a physical carrier such as a video tape, film reel, paper or canvas.
Properties from Representation: description, identifier, name
Collection (schema:Collection)
Subclass of: Creative work
A collection of items, e.g. creative works or products, typically but not necessarily of the same kind.
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
collection size (schema:collectionSize) | The number of items in the Collection. | 0..* | xsd:integer |
description (schema:description) | A description of the item. | 0..* 1 | rdf:langString |
has part (schema:hasPart) | Indicates an IntellectualEntity or CreativeWork that is part of this collection. | 0..* | Intellectual entity or Physical carrier |
identifier (schema:identifier) | The identifier property represents any kind of identifier for any kind of Thing, such as ISBNs, GTIN codes, UUIDs etc. | 0..1 | xsd:string |
name (schema:name) | The name of the item. | 1..* 1 | rdf:langString |
Creative work series (schema:CreativeWorkSeries)
Subclass of: Creative work
A CreativeWorkSeries in is a group of related items, typically but not necessarily of the same kind. CreativeWorkSeries are usually organized into some order, often chronological. Unlike ItemList which is a general purpose data structure for lists of things, the emphasis with CreativeWorkSeries is on published materials (written e.g. books and periodicals, or media such as tv, radio and games).
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
description (schema:description) | A description of the item. | 0..* 1 | rdf:langString |
has part (schema:hasPart) | Indicates an IntellectualEntity or CreativeWork that is part of this series. | 0..* | Intellectual entity or Creative work series |
identifier (schema:identifier) | The identifier property represents any kind of identifier for any kind of Thing, such as ISBNs, GTIN codes, UUIDs etc. | 0..1 | xsd:string |
is part of (schema:isPartOf) | Indicates an item or CreativeWork that this item, or CreativeWork (in some sense), is part of. | 0..* | Creative work series |
name (schema:name) | The name of the item. | 1..* 1 | rdf:langString |
season number (schema:seasonNumber) | Position of the season within an ordered group of seasons. | 0..* | xsd:integer |
Digital representation (haObj:DigitalRepresentation)
Subclass of: Representation
Subclasses: Fragment representation
Digital representation of an archived intellectual entity.
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
caption (schema:caption) | The caption for this object. | 0..1 | xsd:string |
creator (schema:creator) | The creator/author of this CreativeWork. | 0..* | Role |
in language (schema:inLanguage) | The language of the content or performance or used in an action. Please use one of the language codes from the IETF BCP 47 standard. | 0..* | xsd:string |
transcription (schema:transcript) | If this MediaObject is an AudioObject or VideoObject, the transcript of that object. | 0..1 | xsd:string |
Properties from Representation: description, identifier, name
Episode (schema:Episode)
Subclass of: Creative work
A media episode (e.g. TV, radio, video game) which can be part of a series or season.
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
description (schema:description) | A description of the item. | 0..* 1 | rdf:langString |
has part (schema:hasPart) | Indicates an IntellectualEntity or CreativeWork that is part of this episode. | 0..* | Intellectual entity |
identifier (schema:identifier) | The identifier property represents any kind of identifier for any kind of Thing, such as ISBNs, GTIN codes, UUIDs etc. | 1..1 | xsd:string |
name (schema:name) | The name of the item. | 1..* 1 | rdf:langString |
File (premis:File)
Subclass of: Object
Named and ordered sequence of bytes that is known to an operating system.
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
captioning (ebucore:hasCaptioning) | De ondertitels of transcriptie van dit bestand. | 0..* | |
date created (schema:dateCreated) | The date on which the CreativeWork was created. | 1..1 | edtf:EDTF-level0 or edtf:EDTF-level1 or edtf:EDTF-level2 |
description (schema:description) | A description of the item. | 0..* 1 | rdf:langString |
duration (schema:duration) | The duration of the item (movie, audio recording, event, etc.) in ISO 8601 date format. | 0..1 | xsd:duration |
has media fragment (ebucore:hasMediaFragment) | A fragment from this file. | 0..* | MediaFragment |
identifier (schema:identifier) | The identifier property represents any kind of identifier for any kind of Thing, such as ISBNs, GTIN codes, UUIDs etc. | 0..1 | xsd:string |
name (schema:name) | The name of the item. | 1..* 1 | rdf:langString |
thumbnail (schema:thumbnailUrl) | A thumbnail image relevant to the Digital Representation. | 0..1 | IRI |
Intellectual entity (premis:IntellectualEntity)
Subclass of: Object
Subclasses: Audio , DVD , DVD chapter , Film , Image , Newspaper edition , Newspaper issue page , Video
A set of content that is considered a single intellectual unit for purposes of management and description: for example, a particular book, map, photograph, database, or piece of hardware or software. An Intellectual Entity can include other Intellectual Entities; for example, a web site can include a web page; a web page can include an image. An Intellectual Entity may have one or more digital representations. An Intellectual Entity may also describe an environment, defined as technology supporting a digital object in some way (e.g. by rendering or executing it). Environments can consist of software, hardware, or a combination of both.
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
about (schema:about) | The subject matter of the content. | 0..* | IRI |
abstract (schema:abstract) | An abstract is a short description that summarizes a CreativeWork. | 0..* 1 | rdf:langString |
alternate name (schema:alternateName) | An alias for the item | 0..* | rdf:langString |
art medium (schema:artMedium) | The material used. (e.g. Oil, Watercolour, Acrylic, Linoprint, Marble, Cyanotype, Digital, Lithograph, DryPoint, Intaglio, Pastel, Woodcut, Pencil, Mixed Media, etc.) | 0..* | rdf:langString |
artform (schema:artform) | The artform, medium, or mode of this creative work for example Painting, Drawing, Sculpture, Print, Photograph, Assemblage, Collage, etc. | 0..* | rdf:langString |
castmembers (ebucore:hasCastMember) | The cast members of a TV or theatre production. | 0..1 | xsd:string |
contributor (schema:contributor) | A secondary contributor to the CreativeWork or Event. | 0..* | Role |
copyright holder (schema:copyrightHolder) | The party holding the legal copyright to the CreativeWork. | 0..* | Person |
copyright notice (schema:copyrightNotice) | Text of a notice appropriate for describing the copyright aspects of this Creative Work, ideally indicating the owner of the copyright for the Work. | 0..* | xsd:string |
copyright year (schema:copyrightYear) | The year during which the claimed copyright for the CreativeWork was first asserted. | 0..* | xsd:integer |
creator (schema:creator) | The creator/author of this CreativeWork. | 0..* | Role |
credit text (schema:creditText) | Text to credit person(s) and/or organization(s) associated with the intellectual entity. | 0..* | rdf:langString |
date available (dct:available) | Date that the resource became or will become available. | 0..* | xsd:dateTime |
date created (schema:dateCreated) | The date on which the CreativeWork was created. | 1..1 | edtf:EDTF-level0 or edtf:EDTF-level1 or edtf:EDTF-level2 |
date published (schema:datePublished) | Date of first broadcast/publication. | 0..1 | edtf:EDTF-level0 or edtf:EDTF-level1 or edtf:EDTF-level2 |
depth (schema:depth) | The depth of the item. | 0..1 | Quantitative Value |
description (schema:description) | A description of the item. | 0..* 1 | rdf:langString |
format (dct:format) | The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource. | 1..1 | xsd:string Possible values: "audio"^^xsd:string , "video"^^xsd:string , "film"^^xsd:string , "paper"^^xsd:string , "newspaper"^^xsd:string , "newspaperpage"^^xsd:string , "videofragment"^^xsd:string , "audiofragment"^^xsd:string |
genre (schema:genre) | Genre of the creative work, broadcast channel or group. | 0..* 1 | rdf:langString |
height (schema:height) | The height of the item. | 0..1 | Quantitative Value |
identifier (schema:identifier) | The identifier property represents any kind of identifier for any kind of Thing, such as ISBNs, GTIN codes, UUIDs etc. | 1..1 | xsd:string |
in language (schema:inLanguage) | The language of the content or performance or used in an action. Please use one of the language codes from the IETF BCP 47 standard. | 0..* | xsd:string |
is part of (schema:isPartOf) | Indicates an item or CreativeWork that this item, or CreativeWork (in some sense), is part of. | 0..* | Archive component or Creative work series or Episode or Collection |
keywords (schema:keywords) | Keywords or tags used to describe some item. Multiple textual entries in a keywords list are typically delimited by commas, or by repeating the property. | 0..* | rdf:langString |
license (schema:license) | A license document that applies to this content, typically indicated by URL. | 0..* | Concept |
maintainer (schema:maintainer) | A maintainer is a Person or Organization that manages contributions to, and/or publication of, some (typically complex) artifact. | 1..1 | Content partner |
mentions (schema:mentions) | Indicates that the CreativeWork contains a reference to, but is not necessarily about a concept. | 0..* | Thing |
name (schema:name) | The name of the item. | 1..* 1 | rdf:langString |
object type (ebucore:hasObjectType) | To define an ObjectType for the BusinessObject (e.g. book, report, programme, clip) if not defined as a subClass of BusinessObject. | 0..1 | xsd:string |
publisher (schema:publisher) | The publisher of the creative work. | 0..* | Role |
rights information (dct:rights) | Information about rights held in and over the resource. | 0..* | rdf:langString |
spatial (schema:spatial) | The spatialCoverage of a CreativeWork indicates the place(s) which are the focus of the content. | 0..* | Place |
synopsis (ebucore:synopsis) | The plot summary of the TV or theatre production. | 0..1 | xsd:string |
temporal (schema:temporal) | The temporalCoverage of a CreativeWork indicates the period that the content applies to, i.e. that it describes, either as a DateTime or as a textual string indicating a time period in ISO 8601 time interval format. | 0..* | rdf:langString |
width (schema:width) | The width of the item. | 0..1 | Quantitative Value |
Physical carrier (haObj:PhysicalCarrier)
Subclass of: Storage location
A physical carrier in which data, sound, images, etc., are stored. For certain categories of material, the physical carrier consists of a storage medium (e.g., tape, film) sometimes encased in a plastic, metal, etc., housing (e.g., cassette, cartridge) that is an integral part of the item.
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
brand (schema:brand) | Brand of the physical carrier. | 0..1 | Brand |
depth (schema:depth) | The depth of the item. | 0..1 | Quantitative Value |
description (schema:description) | A description of the item. | 0..* 1 | rdf:langString |
height (schema:height) | The height of the item. | 0..1 | Quantitative Value |
identifier (schema:identifier) | The identifier property represents any kind of identifier for any kind of Thing, such as ISBNs, GTIN codes, UUIDs etc. | 1..1 | xsd:string |
material (schema:material) | The base material that makes up the physical carrier. | 0..1 | xsd:string |
material extent (schema:materialExtent) | Indicates the physical extent of an object (e.g. A4, A5 etc.). | 0..1 | xsd:string |
name (schema:name) | The name of the item. | 1..* 1 | rdf:langString |
preservation problem (haObj:preservationProblem) | Phenomenon-usually under the influence of physical or chemical factors-that may jeopardize the integrity and consultability of the data on the carrier. | 0..* | Concept |
width (schema:width) | The width of the item. | 0..1 | Quantitative Value |
Place (schema:Place)
Subclass of: Thing
Entities that have a somewhat fixed, physical extension.
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
description (schema:description) | A description of the item. | 0..* 1 | rdf:langString |
is contained in place (schema:containedInPlace) | The basic containment relation between a place and one that contains it. | 0..* | Place |
name (schema:name) | The name of the item. | 1..* 1 | rdf:langString |
Properties from Thing: description, name
Quantitative Value (schema:QuantitativeValue)
Subclass of: Thing
A point value or interval for product characteristics and other purposes.
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
unit code (schema:unitCode) | The unit of measurement given using the UN/CEFACT Common Code (3 characters). | 1..1 | xsd:string |
unit text (schema:unitText) | A string or text indicating the unit of measurement. Useful if you cannot provide a standard unit code for schema:unitCode . | 0..1 | xsd:string |
value (schema:value) | The value of the quantitative value. | 1..1 | xsd:float |
Properties from Thing: description, name
Representation (premis:Representation)
Subclass of: Object
Subclasses: Carrier representation , Digital representation
Digital or physical Object instantiating or embodying an Intellectual Entity. A digital representation is the set of stored digital files and structural metadata needed to provide a complete and reasonable rendition of the Intellectual Entity. A physical representation is an item such as a manuscript, video cassette, or printed document.
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
description (schema:description) | A description of the item. | 0..* 1 | rdf:langString |
identifier (schema:identifier) | The identifier property represents any kind of identifier for any kind of Thing, such as ISBNs, GTIN codes, UUIDs etc. | 0..1 | xsd:string |
name (schema:name) | The name of the item. | 1..* 1 | rdf:langString |
Role (schema:Role)
Subclass of: Thing
Subclasses: Performance role
Represents additional information about a relationship or property. For example a Role can be used to say that a ‘member’ role linking some SportsTeam to a player occurred during a particular time period. Or that a Person’s ‘actor’ role in a Movie was for some particular characterName. Such properties can be attached to a Role entity, which is then associated with the main entities using ordinary properties like ‘member’ or ‘actor’.
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
actor (schema:actor) | An actor, e.g. in tv, radio, movie, video games etc., or in an event. Actors can be associated with individual items or with a series, episode, clip. | 0..1 | Person |
contributor (schema:contributor) | A secondary contributor to the CreativeWork or Event. | 0..1 | Person |
creator (schema:creator) | The creator/author of this CreativeWork. | 0..1 | Person |
publisher (schema:publisher) | The publisher of the creative work. | 0..1 | Person |
role name (schema:roleName) | A role played, performed or filled by a person or organization. | 1..1 | xsd:string or Concept |
Properties from Thing: description, name
Text Annotation (ebucore:TextAnnotation)
Subclass of: Annotation
A class specific to the annotation of a text or portions of text.
Properties from Annotation: annotates, annotation person subject, annotation confidence, annotation subject, annotation target, annotation type
Thing (schema:Thing)
Subclasses: Creative work , Event , Organisation , Person , Place , Quantitative Value , Role
The most generic type of item.
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
description (schema:description) | A description of the item. | 0..* 1 | rdf:langString |
name (schema:name) | The name of the item. | 1..* 1 | rdf:langString |
Table of contents
- Data model Audiovisual archive objects
- Bibliographic data model
- Data model Audiovisual archive objects
- Bibliographic data model
- Data model Film