Data model Objects
Version: 0.0.1
Previous version:
Created: 2022-05-16
Last modified: 2023-01-12
SHACL file: objects.shacl.ttl
Authors: Lennert Van de Velde , Milan Valadou , Miel Vander Sande
Data model to describe objects.
Classes & Properties
Classes: Carrier representation | Digital representation | File | File format | Fixity | Fragment representation | Intellectual entity | Local identifier | Mediahaven fragment | Mediahaven record | Object | Physical carrier | Quantitative Value
Carrier representation (haObj:CarrierRepresentation)
Subclass of: Representation
A physical or digital representation of an archived intellectual entity that is stored on a physical carrier such as a video tape, film reel, paper or canvas.
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
stored at (premis:storedAt) | The pysical carrier where the representation is stored. | 1..1 | Physical carrier |
Properties from Representation: represents, was derived from
Digital representation (haObj:DigitalRepresentation)
Subclass of: Representation
Digital representation of an archived intellectual entity.
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
has Root (rel:hsr) | The file that must be processed first. | 1..* | File |
has Source (rel:hss) | The physical carrier from which this digital representation originates from. | 0..* | Representation |
includes (rel:inc) | A file that is part of this digital representation. | 1..* | File |
is Access Copy Of (haObj:isAccessCopyOf) | The intellectual entity of which this digital representation is the access or browse copy. | 0..1 | Intellectual entity |
is IIIF copy of (haObj:isIIIFCopyOf) | The intellectual entity of which this digital representation is the IIIF access copy. | 0..1 | Intellectual entity |
is Master Of (haObj:isMasterCopyOf) | The intellectual entity of which this representation is the archive master. | 0..1 | Intellectual entity |
is Mezzanine Of (haObj:isMezzanineCopyOf) | The intellectual entity of which this digital representation is the mezzanine copy. | 0..1 | Intellectual entity |
is transcription copy of (haObj:isTranscriptionCopyOf) | The intellectual entity of which this digital representation is a transcription access copy. | 0..1 | Intellectual entity |
next digital representation in sequence (edm:isNextInSequence) | The digital representation that follows on this digital representation. | 0..1 | Digital representation |
Properties from Representation: represents, was derived from
File (premis:File)
Subclass of: Object
Named and ordered sequence of bytes that is known to an operating system.
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
documents (rel:doc) | The file that describes or documents this file. | 0..* | File |
fixity (premis:fixity) | The calculated fixity checksum of the file. | 0..1 | Fixity |
format (dct:format) | The file format of the file. | 0..1 | File format |
has media fragment (ebucore:hasMediaFragment) | A fragment from this file. | 0..* | Fragment representation |
has original name (premis:originalName) | The original name of this file. | 0..1 | xsd:string |
has size (premis:size) | The size of this file. | 1..1 | xsd:nonNegativeInteger |
height (schema:height) | The height of a file | 0..1 | Quantitative Value |
is Include In (rel:isi) | The digital representation this file is part of. | 0..* | Digital representation |
mime type (ebucore:hasMimeType) | The MIME type or IANA media type of the file. | 1..1 | xsd:string |
next file in sequence (edm:isNextInSequence) | The file that follows on this file. | 0..1 | File |
stored at (premis:storedAt) | The location where the file is stored. | 1..1 | Storage location |
supersedes (rel:sup) | The file that replaces or succeeds this file. | 0..* | File |
was derived from (prov:wasDerivedFrom) | The Mediahaven record from which this file was derived. | 1..1 | Mediahaven fragment |
width (schema:width) | The width of a file | 0..1 | Quantitative Value |
Properties from Object: relationship
File format (dct:FileFormat)
A digital resource format.
Fixity (premis:Fixity)
Information used to verify whether an object has been altered in an undocumented or unauthorized way.
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
checksum creator (dct:creator) | The entity that generated the checksum. | 0..* | xsd:string |
fixity checksum (rdf:value) | The value of the checksum. | 1..1 | xsd:string |
Fragment representation (haObj:FragmentRepresentation)
A spatial or temporal segment of a file that serves as a partial digital representation of an archived Intellectual Entity.
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
duration (schema:duration) | The duration of the item (movie, audio recording, event, etc.) in ISO 8601 date format. | 0..1 | xsd:duration |
endTime (schema:endTime) | The time at which the fragment stops. | 1..1 | xsd:time |
is Media Fragment Of (ebucore:isMediaFragmentOf) | The file of which this is a fragment. | 1..1 | File |
startTime (schema:startTime) | The time at which the fragment starts. | 1..1 | xsd:time |
Intellectual entity (premis:IntellectualEntity)
Subclass of: Object
Subclasses: Audio , DVD , DVD chapter , Film , Image , Newspaper edition , Newspaper issue page , Video
A set of content that is considered a single intellectual unit for purposes of management and description: for example, a particular book, map, photograph, database, or piece of hardware or software. An Intellectual Entity can include other Intellectual Entities; for example, a web site can include a web page; a web page can include an image. An Intellectual Entity may have one or more digital representations. An Intellectual Entity may also describe an environment, defined as technology supporting a digital object in some way (e.g. by rendering or executing it). Environments can consist of software, hardware, or a combination of both.
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
has Access Copy (haObj:hasAccessCopy) | The access or browse copy of the intellectual entity. | 0..* | Digital representation |
has IIIF Copy (haObj:hasIIIFCopy) | The access or browse copy of the intellectual entity available via IIIF Image API. | 0..* | Digital representation |
has Master (haObj:hasMasterCopy) | The archive master of the intellectual entity. | 0..* | Digital representation |
has Mezzanine (haObj:hasMezzanineCopy) | The mezzanine copy of the intellectual entity. | 0..* | Digital representation |
has Part (rel:hsp) | An intellectual entity that is part of this intellectual entity. | 0..* | Intellectual entity |
has primary identifier (haObj:primaryIdentifier) | The primary local identifier for the intellectual entity. | 0..* | Local identifier |
has transcription copy (haObj:hasTranscriptionCopy) | A textual access or browse copy of the intellectual entity made by automatic or manual transcription of another digital representation. | 0..* | Digital representation |
is Part Of (rel:isp) | The intellectual entity of which this intellectual entity is part of. | 0..* | Intellectual entity |
is Represented By (rel:isr) | A representation of the intellectual entity. | 1..* | Representation |
local identifier (premis:identifier) | A local identifier for the intellectual entity. | 0..* | Local identifier |
next intellectual entity in sequence (edm:isNextInSequence) | The intellectual entity that follows on this intellectual entity. | 0..1 | Intellectual entity |
was derived from (prov:wasDerivedFrom) | The Mediahaven record from which this intellectual entity was derived. | 1..1 | Mediahaven fragment |
Properties from Object: relationship
Local identifier (haObj:LocalIdentifier)
Subclass of: Concept
A local identifier for an object defined by or known to the content partner, such as a barcode, an identifier from an external database or the identifier in the contentpartner’s collection registration system.
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
value (rdf:value) | The value of this identifier. | 1..1 | xsd:string |
Mediahaven fragment (mh:Fragment)
A fragment in the Mediahaven asset management system.
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
date created (schema:dateCreated) | The date on which the record was created. | 1..1 | xsd:dateTime |
date deleted (schema:dateDeleted) | The date on which the record was deleted. | 0..1 | xsd:dateTime |
date modified (schema:dateModified) | The date on which the record was most recently modified. | 1..1 | xsd:dateTime |
has fragment identifier (schema:identifier) | The unique identifier of a fragment within the Mediahaven asset management system. | 1..1 | xsd:string |
has record (mh:record) | The Mediahaven Record to which this fragment belongs. | 1..1 | Mediahaven record |
Mediahaven record (mh:Record)
A record in the Mediahaven asset management system.
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
has record identifier (schema:identifier) | The unique identifier of a record within the Mediahaven asset management system. | 1..1 | xsd:string |
Object (premis:Object)
Subclass of: Entity
Subclasses: File , Intellectual entity , Representation
Discrete unit of information subject to digital preservation. Subclasses of Object are Intellectual Entity, Representation, File and Bitstream.
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
relationship (premis:relationship) | A generic relationship between intellectual entities, files, or representations. | 0..* | Object |
Physical carrier (haObj:PhysicalCarrier)
Subclass of: Storage location
A physical carrier in which data, sound, images, etc., are stored. For certain categories of material, the physical carrier consists of a storage medium (e.g., tape, film) sometimes encased in a plastic, metal, etc., housing (e.g., cassette, cartridge) that is an integral part of the item.
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
storage medium (premis:medium) | The type of storage medium of the physical carrier. | 1..1 | Storage medium |
Properties from Storage location: file path, storage medium
Representation (premis:Representation)
Subclass of: Object
Subclasses: Carrier representation , Digital representation
Digital or physical Object instantiating or embodying an Intellectual Entity. A digital representation is the set of stored digital files and structural metadata needed to provide a complete and reasonable rendition of the Intellectual Entity. A physical representation is an item such as a manuscript, video cassette, or printed document.
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
represents (rel:rep) | The intellectual entity that represents this digital representation. | 1..1 | Intellectual entity |
was derived from (prov:wasDerivedFrom) | The Mediahaven fragment from which this digital representation was derived. | 1..1 | Mediahaven fragment |
Properties from Object: relationship
Storage location (premis:StorageLocation)
Subclasses: Physical carrier
Information needed to retrieve a physical item from its physical storage location or a file from the storage system, or to access a bitstream within a file.
Property | Description | Cardinality | Datatype |
file path (rdf:value) | The file path of the storage location. | 0..1 | xsd:string |
storage medium (premis:medium) | The type of storage medium. | 0..* | Storage medium |
Storage medium (premis:StorageMedium)
The physical medium on which the Object is stored (e.g., magnetic tape, hard disk, CD-ROM, DVD).