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Bibliographic data model

Version: 0.0.1

Previous version:

Created: 2023-11-13

Last modified: 2024-02-13

SHACL file: bibliographic.shacl.ttl

Other languages: nl , fr

Authors: Milan Valadou , Miel Vander Sande , Lennert Van de Velde

Data model to provide a detailed description of bibliographic objects and their components.


Classes & Properties

Classes: Newspaper | Concept | Newspaper edition | Newspaper issue page | Place | Role

Newspaper (schema:Newspaper)

Property Description Cardinality Datatype
abraham identifier
The identifier property represents any kind of identifier for any kind of Thing, such as ISBNs, GTIN codes, UUIDs etc. 1..1 xsd:string
alternate name
An alias for the item 0..* rdf:langString
end date
The end date and time of the item (in ISO 8601 date format). 0..1 xsd:dateTime
The name of the item. 1..1 rdf:langString
page number
Indicates the serial number of a page within the greater object it is part of. 0..1 Place
preceded by
Newspaper that precedes the newspaper being described, e.g., is earlier in time or before in narrative. 0..1 Newspaper
Publisher of the newspaper. 0..1 Role
start date
The start date and time of the item (in ISO 8601 date format). 0..1 xsd:dateTime
succeeded by
  0..1 Newspaper
Newspaper that updates or otherwise complements the predominant newspaper. 0..1 Newspaper
supplement to
Newspaper that is updated or otherwise complemented by the augmenting newspaper. 0..1 Newspaper

Newspaper edition (haDes:NewspaperIssue)

Subclass of: Intellectual entity

This class applies to media in meemoo’s archive that is originally derived from an analog carrier of type newspaper, and represents the newspaper edition as a whole.

Property Description Cardinality Datatype
frequency of issuance
Indicates how frequent a newspaper is issued, e.g. twice a day, daily, weekly etc. 0..1 Concept
is part of
Indicates the newspaper series that a specific newspaper edition is part of. 0..1 Newspaper
issue number
Indicates the serial number of a newspaper edition within the greater newspaper series it is part of. 0..1 xsd:string
number of pages
Indicates how many pages a certain bibliographic object contains. 0..1 xsd:nonNegativeInteger
production method
The process used to produce the newspaper edition (e.g. handwritten, typed, printed). 0..1 Concept
Possible values: haPrmId:handwritten, haPrmId:typed, haPrmId:printed
publication type
Indicates the specific publication type of a newspaper edition (e.g. morning, evening, weekend newspaper edition, etc.). 0..1 Concept
Possible values: haEdTId:morning-edition, haEdTId:afternoon-edition, haEdTId:evening-edition, haEdTId:weekend-edition

Newspaper issue page (haDes:NewspaperIssuePage)

Subclass of: Intellectual entity

This class applies to media in meemoo’s archive that is originally derived from an analog carrier of type newspaper, and represents a specific newspaper page.

Property Description Cardinality Datatype
is part of
Indicates the newspaper issue that a specific page is part of. 1..1 Newspaper edition
page number
Indicates the serial number of a page within the greater object it is part of. 0..1 xsd:nonNegativeInteger